통장압류 해지기간 Summary of cancellation method for withdrawal period of seizure of bankbook

Let’s take a look at how to cancel the withdrawal period of bank seizure. Many people who borrowed money are having a hard time with inflation and interest rates rising. If the situation of not being able to pay the money increases, the last one can go to property seizure and bankbook seizure. 통장압류 해지기간

What is the lockdown period?
In order to cancel the garnishment of the bankbook, you must return all borrowed money. After repayment, submit an application for termination of seizure. After the application is approved, the bankbook seizure will be released after a week or two.

통장압류 해지기간

We will explain the process of canceling bank seizure. Request for termination in court. The court will give you the outcome of your application. The result is sent to the bank of the seized account. This process takes between 7 and 14 days.


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How to cancel passbook seizure
Let’s learn more about how to cancel a bank transfer seizure. There are 4 steps to go through in order to cancel your bankbook seizure.


1. This is the process that the applicant must do. Refers to the person whose bank account is seized. The applicant calls the bond company that seized the bankbook to confirm whether the bankbook has been seized. After confirmation, we will ask you to cancel the confiscation. If the creditor company wants proof of identity and termination fee, they must give it to them.


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2. This is a process that bond companies and law firms must do. Pay the termination fee to the company that applied for the termination of the seizure and send the supporting documents requested by the creditor company. Please note that if the period for sending the supporting documents is late, the bank account seizure cancellation period may increase.


Passbook Seizure Termination Period

3. This is the process the court has to do. The court examines the documents certifying termination received from the creditor company. If the supporting documents are passed, the bank will send a decision to release the seizure. This progress is the main culprit that increases the withdrawal period of the bankbook seizure. Even if it takes a long time, please be patient.


4. This is the process that banks have to do. The bank enters the seizure termination decision sent by the court. Afterwards, the seizure of the bankbook containing the cancellation application is released. In general, after the bank releases the foreclosure, it is the side of the cell phone to confirm.


Evidence for cancellation of seizure of bankbook
We have informed you that it is advantageous to first figure out and prepare the supporting documents for the cancellation of the passbook seizure. Because of this, it takes about 7 to 14 days to cancel the seizure of the bankbook, but if it takes a long time to send the supporting documents, the cancellation period may exceed 30 days.


Generally, there are two supporting documents for canceling bank account seizure. One is a copy of your ID. The other is the account information integrated management inquiry result. It is recommended to use the application for account information integrated management inquiry results.


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Install account information integrated management from Google Play or App Store. I need to log in, but I need a public certificate and a financial certificate. After logging in, click the account icon at the bottom. Find and tap Check your bank accounts all at once.


Passbook Seizure Termination Period

Check the accounts opened with all the banks you are currently using. 00 selections appear at the bottom. Choose. Select Save View History. Save as pdf and you’re done. You can scan this pdf and ID card, save it as a pdf, and print it. Please have the supporting documents in advance as described above.


Amount that can be garnished
Did you know that the amount of money that can be seized from a bankbook is set by law? Depending on the possible scope, you may apply for a change in foreclosure bonds. If you apply for this, the foreclosure will be released quickly.


Passbook Seizure Termination Period

The amount under 1.85 million won is the full pressure range. The amount under 3.70 million won is a range that can be pressured from the amount of 1.85 million won. 50 % of salary under 6 million won is prohibited range. More than 6 million won has to be calculated with a difficult formula, so I will omit it in this article.


In the above post, I explained the period of withdrawal of bank transfer and how to cancel it. If you suddenly heard the news of the seizure of your bankbook, it would be a thunderstorm. Please repay the borrowed money as soon as you can afford it, and shorten the period of withdrawal of bank account foreclosure.