통신판매업 신고 Report mail order business

통신판매업 신고Open a site with I’m Web and complete the basic shopping mall settings. Please add at least 5 products to sign up for electronic payment (PG) in the future.
Only businesses can register as a mail order business. You can apply for business registration by visiting a nearby tax office, or you can apply online through the National Tax Service’s home tax service. Existing businesses can skip this process.
Apply for electronic payment (PG). When reporting a mail order business, a certificate of purchase safety service use (escrow) is required as a required document. When you sign up for PG, you also sign up for purchase security service (escrow), so it is very convenient if you complete sign up for PG before reporting mail order business.
You can check how to sign up for a PG by selecting the PG company you want in [Preferences > Electronic Payment (PG) > Domestic Electronic Payment] on the site administrator page.
You can apply online at Government 24 or in person at your local district office.
When filling out the mail order business report, you must enter the host server location. The address of the I’mWeb host server is as follows.
12th floor, GS Tower, 508 Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Go to online education
Mail order business report number: 2023-Seoul Gangnam-02377
Headquarters: VPLEX, 501 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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통신판매업 신고
