토스 모임통장 만들기 Toss money collection function, how to open a meeting account

토스 모임통장 만들기1. Launch the Toss app.

2. Click All in the lower right corner.

3. In the Account section, click Collect Money.

4. Click Get Started in 30 Seconds.

5. Enter the reason for pooling money together.
6. Click OK.

7. In the address book, search for the person to invite the meeting account.

※ If the person is not registered in the address book, click Invite at the bottom right.
You can invite through KakaoTalk, Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, Story, etc.

8. After confirming who you want to invite, click Done.

9. Click OK.

10. Click Chat Together.

11. The meeting dues chat room has been created.

※ You can chat in this chat room.
※ If the amount is large or the number of people is large, you can click Dutch Pay to make a Dutch Pay.
※ If you click on the money you have collected, you can check the money you have collected so far.

12. Click Back to Walk Dues.

13. Enter the amount to walk per person.
14. If you need to walk every month, click the Have everyone walk automatically every month button.

15. Set a date.
16. Click Done.

17. Click OK.

18. Enter the dues name.
19. Click OK.

20. Click OK.

21. You can check the registered meeting dues in the membership fee section.

22. You can check the transaction details in the Deposit/Withdrawal section.

23. You can check your currently registered friends in the Friends section.

1. In the meeting dues section, click Manage in the upper right corner.

※ To add a friend, click Add Friend by Link or Add Friend from Address Book to invite a friend.
※ To export a friend, click Export Friend and then click the friend to export.
※ If you want to delete the meeting bankbook, you can click Delete Collecting Money Together.

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