택시운전자격시험 일정 Taxi Driver Qualification Test Application Application 2024 Test Location Schedule and Candidate Eligibility

택시운전자격시험 일정The qualification test for commercial transportation workers is conducted by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority. The same goes for the taxi driver qualification test. You can submit an application to the Korea Transportation Safety Authority and take the written test at the test location on the designated test date.
In order to take the taxi qualification test, you must first submit an application. Application methods can be either online or in person. 
You must visit testing locations located throughout the country and apply on-site, but it is inconvenient to go to the testing center, and when you apply on-site, there are times when the number of applicants is already full and the application is closed. 
The documents required to apply for the taxi driver qualification test in person are a driver’s license and a photo (3.5*4.5) taken within the past 6 months, and an application fee of 11,500 won must be paid. 
Please refer to the information on the location of the testing center where the national taxi driver qualification test is held at the bottom of the text. 
On the Korea Transportation Safety Authority website (see link below), you can apply online by selecting the region, test location, and test schedule where you wish to obtain a taxi driver qualification. 
☞ Go to online application for taxi driver qualification test 
To apply online, follow the steps below. 
Check that the qualification category is road qualification, the qualification type is taxi driving, and the test category is CBT computer test, then proceed to the next step. 

Check “Yes” on the checklist to confirm your eligibility to take the taxi driver’s qualification test, such as being 20 years of age or older, having a type 2 regular license or higher, and agreeing to your personal information, then proceed to the next step. 

After simple real-name verification, you can select the area (city/province) where you will obtain taxi driver qualifications, the test location where the qualification test will be held, and the test schedule, and click ‘Reservation Request’. 

Attach the ID photo file required for certificate issuance and enter personal information and driver’s license information. If you are eligible for a special taxi driver qualification, please click the applicable item in the written test exemption category. (Those who have a taxi license from another city, those with 3 years of accident-free experience for business purposes, etc. are exempt from some of the written subjects of the taxi driver qualification test.) 

Afterwards, once you pay the application fee of 11,500 won for the taxi driver qualification test, all applications are completed. You can print out the admission ticket, visit the selected test center on the scheduled schedule, and take the written taxi driving test. You must bring your driver’s license with you when you visit the test site on the day of the test. 
The above application process applies to those who are only taking the taxi driver qualification test. If you would like to take the detailed driving aptitude test and the taxi driver qualification test at the same time, you can apply through the taxi driver qualification test one-stop service. You must do it. 
☞ One-stop application for taxi driver qualification test and aptitude test
One-stop application is a service that conducts a detailed driving aptitude test in the morning and takes a taxi driver qualification test in the afternoon for those who are deemed suitable. You can complete both the aptitude test and qualification test on the same day. 
For reference, it is also possible to pass the taxi driver qualification test first and then take a detailed driving aptitude test later. You only need to receive a suitability test before getting a job.
There are a total of 18 taxi driver qualification test locations across the country, including 13 permanent CBT written test centers and 5 CBT test centers using detailed driving test centers. Please refer to this when applying for the taxi driver qualification test. Please note that you can select a test location regardless of your current address. 


The taxi driver qualification test is conducted using a computer and lasts a total of 80 minutes. Originally, the number of questions asked was 80, but from February 1, 2024, the geography subject, one of the written exam subjects, was changed from 20 to 10 questions, so the exam will be conducted with a total of 70 questions. 
1) Traffic and passenger transport business laws and regulations: 20 questions 
2) Safe driving tips: 20 questions 
3) Transportation service: 20 questions 
4) Geography: 10 questions (changed to 10 questions from 24.2.1) 

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