태아보험 가입시기 Find out what to keep in mind when signing up for fetal insurance and compare the special contract for fetal insurance premiums and fetal insurance premiums – Traffic News

태아보험 가입시기The timing of enrollment in fetal insurance is also important. Depending on the insurance company, the period during which you can sign up for fetal insurance differs, but in general, it is set so that you can sign up only within 22 weeks. In order to sign up for fetal insurance from life insurance companies, you can sign up only between 16 and 22 weeks after conception. In the case of non-life insurance companies’ fetal insurance products, you can sign up without any problems if you sign up only within 22 weeks. If you miss this period, you will not be able to sign up for fetal insurance even if you want to sign up for it. Let’s find out in advance, such as points to note, fetal insurance premiums, fetal insurance premiums, etc., and prepare to sign up for fetal insurance.
Even if it has not passed 22 weeks after conception, it may be difficult to sign up for fetal insurance if a high-risk finding is found in the prenatal abnormality test result. Therefore, it is best to prepare for prenatal insurance together from the time you prepare for pregnancy. It is recommended to sign up for fetal insurance before the first deformity test. In fetus insurance, the fetus, which is the insured, is still in the mother’s belly, so the insurance company decides to join the insurance based on the health of the mother, not the health of the fetus. If the mother is treated for gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, etc., or if abnormal findings are found in the primary deformity test results, she may be denied subscription to fetal insurance. Therefore, it is best to sign up for fetal insurance in the early stages of pregnancy when the mother is healthy.
It is also advisable to check in advance the details of the coverage that can be received through the fetus insurance for each insurance company. It can be very useful if you have a low birth weight or disabled birth through fetal insurance. The necessary guarantees for mothers, such as postpartum depression or pregnancy toxicosis, can also be guaranteed by configuring a special contract of fetal insurance. Medical expenses incurred due to pregnancy or childbirth cannot be covered through actual expenses insurance, but if you also configure coverage for the mother while subscribing to fetal insurance, you can get a lot of help with financial costs related to pregnancy and childbirth.
It is recommended that you configure in advance when you sign up for fetal insurance for various guarantees necessary as your child grows. As children grow up, they are at risk of getting various diseases or accidents in their daily lives. In that case, it is necessary to design a wide range of guarantees for hospitalization and surgery expenses. If your child gets sick or has an accident, you may need to be hospitalized for a short or long time in the hospital. So, if you design it together when you sign up for fetal insurance for hospitalization costs, you can get great help when you need it. Carefully read the terms and conditions of fetal insurance to check whether you can be covered from the day of hospitalization. You should check in advance by comparing the terms and conditions of each insurance company to see if you can receive enough compensation even if you are hospitalized in a tertiary ward or intensive care unit.
In addition, you should prepare in advance when you sign up for fetal insurance in case your child suddenly becomes ill and goes to the emergency room. It is good to configure the product so that the related expenses are also guaranteed for fractures, which often occur while raising children. A burn accident to a young child can be very dangerous. This is because the pain from burns is very severe, and the scars from burns can form and remain permanently. So, when you sign up for fetal insurance, it is recommended that you prepare for burn treatment expenses as well. Since the cost of burn treatment is extremely small, which can be covered by the National Health Insurance, it is recommended to secure the insurance with fetal insurance on the comparison site (http://insutradition.co.kr/jbaby/?ins_code=bohumbigyo&calculation_type=1&checktype=baby). .

태아보험 가입시기
