타오바오 회원가입 방법※ Even though account freezing has been prevented in accordance with the above, account freezing may occasionally occur depending on Taobao’s operating policy.
You can use the ID (phrase starting with tb) given after signing up, but you can change the ID for convenience.※ You can change your ID only once a year, so please change it carefully.
Once you have completed Taobao app membership registration and account settings, it is safe to log in once on your PC to prevent your account from being frozen (suspended).
Because Taobao supports direct shipping to Korea, the use of a delivery agency is not essential. However, there are products that do not support direct shipping to Korea, so if you purchase these products, you must use a shipping address to receive delivery in Korea.
In this post, we will guide you through how to register both your shipping address and your actual home address.
You can receive the delivery address after registering as a member through the website of the delivery address you wish to use. Compare the company information through the delivery address list on the Jikgood main page and select the company you want to use.
Go to Jikgood main page →
Please refer to the photo above and enter the exclusive address given to you after signing up for Baedaeji membership.
Please refer to the photo above and enter the exclusive address given to you after signing up for Baedaeji membership.
You can further lower the probability of your account being frozen by adding Taobao products to the shopping cart of the account you created.
Please repeat the process of adding to the shopping cart from the product page several times as shown in the photo above. (The type of product is irrelevant.)
Once all processes are completed, you can prepare to use Taobao with the lowest possibility of account freezing. Go to the guide to using Taobao