카카오페이 교통카드 How to use the Kakao Pay transportation card, register and recharge

Let’s look at how to use the Kakao Pay transportation card, how to register, and charge. A lot of people use physical transportation cards or check cards that have a deferred payment transportation card function. You can pay with a transportation card only with your mobile phone without using a card. It is a Kakao Pay transportation card.

카카오페이 교통카드

What is Kakao Pay Transportation Card? 카카오페이 교통카드 
KakaoPay transportation card is a mobile transportation card that allows you to pay transportation fares with your smartphone without a physical card. Among the mobile phone functions, it is used by using a function called NFC. NFC stands for short-range wireless communication. This is a function to communicate between my mobile phone and the terminal at a distance of 10cm. 비지니스헬퍼

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It is only available for Android and can be prepaid or postpaid. If some amount runs out, it will be automatically recharged from your Kakao Pay account.

Kakao Pay Transportation Card
How to use the Kakao Pay transportation card
Using the Kakao Pay transportation card is very simple. Just turn on your smartphone screen and bring it close to the public transportation boarding and disembarking terminal. Here, keying the smartphone screen means that the screen is locked.

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If the screen is black, in other words, the smartphone is not powered on, payment cannot be made because nfc is not working. You don’t have to unlock your smartphone, so just turn on the screen and think of tagging. If payment does not work, please check the nfc function.

Kakao Pay Transportation Card
Kakao Pay transportation card registration
Let’s see how to use the Kakao Pay transportation card. Open the KakaoPay app. If not, log in to KakaoTalk after installation and follow the progress. Press the search magnifying glass button. Search mobile transportation card.

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Select Mobile Transportation Card among Kakao Pay services. Choose between postpaid or prepaid. Deferred payment is a transportation card that is billed for the amount used the next month. Prepayment is a form that is used while deducting from the amount charged in advance. Prepayment is free of charge, available to young people.

Deferred payment is made with Kakao Pay Money on the specified date. It can be used on subways, buses, taxis, and tolls. At first, the money is withdrawn to Kakao Pay Money, and if there is no money, it is withdrawn from the linked account. You need to charge 10,000 won when you sign up for the first time.

Kakao Pay Transportation Card
Reasons for refusal to issue a deferred payment transportation card
If you want to use a deferred payment transportation card, you can use it after passing through an internal screening. If you do not pass the screening, you cannot use the postpaid transportation card. We recommend using a prepaid card. Here are some of the most common reasons for refusal.

If you are under the age of 19, over the age of 65, if you are a foreigner, if you are already using the deferred payment transportation card service in another account under your name, if you do not meet the internal review regulations due to various delinquency histories and excessive debt. .

Kakao Pay Transportation Card Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if the amount of the deferred payment transportation card is overdue? If the amount to be paid is overdue, it becomes overdue from the day after the payment date. If you become overdue, the use of deferred payment will be suspended. Interest is charged at 9% per annum on the overdue amount.

Paymoney will continue to try to pay until you pay the overdue amount. Proceed with the debt recovery process. Other companies’ postpaid payment services will also be affected.

I have another mobile transportation card, can I use it at the same time? Samsung Pay transportation card can be used after deleting the Samsung Pay transportation card. In the case of Cashbee and Mobile T-money transportation cards, you can use them after deleting the app.

Kakao Pay Transportation Card
Can I apply for income deduction? yes it is possible In the KakaoTalk app, press the More button at the bottom. Click pay. Go to the transportation card home page. Tap Settings. Register for income tax deduction. It is difficult to process retroactively if it was used before applying for income deduction.

I would like to refund the balance. Refunds of the balance of the prepaid charge will be refunded excluding the refund fee of 500 won. Please understand that it takes 2-3 days for the money to be deposited into your bank account after requesting a refund. For prepaid transportation cards, select the offline payment window in the Kakao Pay app.

Select the train icon. Tap Settings. Click Refund balance. You can proceed after changing the postpaid transportation card to a prepaid transportation card.