카카오톡 테마2021. 7. 10. 18:41
KakaoTalk theme recommendation
Throwing KakaoTalk theme reviews and blog links୧( “̮ )୨
I like simple things and cute things…!
1. Neulbom’s Simple KakaoTalk Theme
iPhone KakaoTalk Theme | White theme ✓ KakaoTalk version: 8.2.1 ✓ Model: iPhone 8 plus ✓ Font size: Second…
The most used theme is completely simple.
I like the KakaoTalk theme speech bubbles better because they are small(?)
2. Eunjeong’s cloudy KakaoTalk theme
+ Uploaded after correcting file errors Hello, this is Eunjeong ٩( ‘ω’ )و These days, square speech bubbles are so…
I like photos of the sky and clouds.
A theme to use when you want to play once in a while.
3. Old version of col’s iMessage/Soy Milk KakaoTalk theme
There have been a lot of people asking us to renew this theme these days! I also use this theme often and it has been updated…
A KakaoTalk theme with a very three-dimensional feel!
The old version of iMessage is so pretty,, it seems more like an iPhone
Preview: Soymilk KakaoTalk Theme (Soymilk Talk) – A KakaoTalk theme I made a while ago that gives off an autumn feel with speech bubbles…
tarot color
There are a variety of colors, so choose the color you want
I like the light purple color, so I went with the taro color. The theme is very neat.
4. Yuha’s Little Bear Talk KakaoTalk Theme
Little Bear Theme It’s been a long time since I made a KakaoTalk theme <3 It's been a while since I made one, so I feel like the details are a bit lacking...
1 / Speech bubble black selection
2 / Select blueberry color
This KakaoTalk theme is a little less simple than the KakaoTalk theme posted above!
1: Choice of speech bubble white or black
2: Grapefruit Lemon (Pink + Light Yellow)
Tangerine green grapes (yellow bean + light orange)
Choice of blueberry (purple + sky)
5. Kimamnim Care Bear Kakao Talk Theme
iPhone / Android KakaoTalk Theme :: Care Bear KakaoTalk Theme :: iPhone = . ktheme android = ....
The most gorgeous KakaoTalk theme I have..!
The Care Bears character looks really cute.
There are various colors, and there are also speech bubbles without characters.
KakaoTalk Theme Recommendation KakaoTalk Theme Review and Blog Link Toocheo Kitchen
•̀Ⱉ•́ Today, there are more cute things than simple...
KakaoTalk theme recommendation KakaoTalk theme review and blog link
1. Your Emotion’s Twitter 20,000 follower commemorative platform...
KakaoTalk Theme Recommendation It's been a while since I brought up a KakaoTalk theme. It's full of pretty themes,, Juseomjuseom 1. Your Emotion / Mangle Mangle...
KakaoTalk Theme Recommendation Today’s KakaoTalk theme is half cute and half simple, so everyone should download it! KakaoTalk Theme Character Edition 1.2U...
*Added due to font question
Now I don't have to wonder when the KakaoTalk font will be uploaded, so I'll use the font I want! Hahaha KakaoTalk pretty phone...
How to download and apply fonts
Kakao Talk Review Font: Naver Clova-Sharing Handwriting Sincerity Font
KakaoTalk theme review finished!
Next time, if I find a pretty theme, I'll bring it up and introduce it hehe.