카카오톡 제비뽑기 KakaoTalk lottery Naver Google

Let’s learn about the KakaoTalk lottery Naver Google site. A lottery is a game in which lots are made to determine the winner, loser, or winner. If you want to do it manually, you have to write or mark it on a stick or paper. However, as long as you have the Internet, you can draw lots on KakaoTalk, Google, and Naver. Find out more in the article below.

카카오톡 제비뽑기

KakaoTalk lottery 카카오톡 제비뽑기
This is how to do KakaoTalk lottery. First of all, to draw lottery in KakaoTalk, you need to gather the people in the chat room. You cannot have only some of the people in the chat room participate in the lottery. So, it is recommended to create a separate chat room for the number of participants. If you have created a chat room with all participants, press the # button in the chat window. 1분전

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Enter lottery. After entering, click the magnifying glass button on the right side. This will take you to the lottery screen. There are draws and rankings. Select the desired function. If it’s a boom draw, it determines the number of booms. And click the lot mix and press the share button in the chat room.


KakaoTalk lottery

If it’s a ranking draw, just press the lottery button and press the share button in the chat room. You can go out to the chat room and check the results. Click the Check All Results button. You can check who got hit and what the ranking is.

Naver Lottery
This is how to draw Naver lottery. If you search for lottery in the Naver search box, the game will be exposed at the top. How to play is easy. Set the number of people by pressing the plus and minus buttons. Set the number of bangs by pressing the plus and minus buttons. Click the Shuffle Lots button. Click the different colored swallows one by one to see the result. You can also click the full result bar.

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Naver has built-in other games besides lottery. Rock-paper-scissors game, winner lottery, ladder game, disk spinning, dice rolling, arrow turning, simple game collection, etc. You can decide winners, penalty holders, and booms with just one smartphone or laptop without creating a group room like KakaoTalk. .


KakaoTalk lottery
Google lottery
If you search for lottery on Google, it is a lottery site that comes up at the top. This is a site called Everyone’s Lotto. Set the number of blue swallows and set the number of bumps. Click the Create lottery button. Click Open All Lot. A pop-up window will appear showing the result with counts of 3,2,1.

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In addition to lottery, this site provides various games and contents such as satari, roulette, spot draw, group draw, dice roll, coin toss, lottery numbers, and timers. If you come to the situation to play the game, it would be nice to proceed after visiting the site.


Today, we learned about the KakaoTalk lottery Naver Google site. It is also attractive to draw each one by hand. However, it is also very effective in reducing time by simply proceeding with a smartphone or PC. I hope you had a good time with the information I gave you today.