최저신용자 특례보증 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency

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In order to prevent damage from illegal private finance, the use of the current policy microfinance product (Sunshine Loan 15) is prohibited due to reasons such as delinquency.
Guarantee policy microfinance product that provides intensive support to the lowest credit borrowers in need
Sunshine Loan 15 rejected
Those who have been denied Sunshine Loan 15 guarantee due to past delinquent payments, etc.
Personal credit score

Bottom 10% of personal credit rating*
*As of April 23, KCB 670 points or NICE 724 points or less

annual income
Less than 45 million won
Up to KRW 10 million per person*
* Up to KRW 5 million upon first use, for more than 6 months
One additional loan possible during normal use
15.9% per annum (including guarantee fee, single interest rate)
Grace period of 1 year (optional) + repayment period of 3 or 5 years
During the repayment period, interest rate is reduced every year if repayment is made faithfully.
(3.0%p each if you choose 3 years, 1.5%p each if you choose 5 years)
Equal installment repayment of principal and interest
If you have completed repayment of the special guarantee for those with the lowest credit, you can use it repeatedly without limit.
Special guarantee for those with the lowest credit: 1 additional loan available upon normal use for more than 6 months
* If there are multiple loan histories, it is calculated by adding up the cumulative faithful repayment period for each account (including completed loans)
* The eligibility requirements for additional loans are the same as those for the initial loan.
※ You can have up to two loan accounts, and if there is an unfinished loan, additional loans are made only by the person who executed the unfinished loan.
limited to banks
After applying for a guarantee through the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app (if the app is not available, visit the Small Finance Integration Support Center*), enter into an agreement
Financial company**
App (or window)
You can apply for a loan through.
※ Digitally vulnerable groups, such as those who do not own a smartphone or do not have a cell phone in their name, can contact the 1397 Microfinance Call Center.
You can apply offline after making a reservation at a nearby financial integration support center.
* 41 low-income financial integration support centers nationwide (see table below)
**[Lending institution] As of October 23, Gwangju Bank, Jeonbuk Bank, NH Savings Bank (additional loan), Welcome Savings Bank
DB Savings Bank (registered address in Seoul)
Woori Financial Savings Bank (registered address: Daejeon, North Chungcheong Province, South Chungcheong Province, Sejong)
IBK Savings Bank (registered address: Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam)
Hana Savings Bank (registered address: Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon)
Shinhan Savings Bank (registered address: Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon)
In the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app
Apply for the lowest credit special guarantee
Copyright Since 2016 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
All Rights Reserved.

Nationally recognized certification body (ISMS): Financial Security Institute
[Certification Scope] Public service operation (web, mobile)
[Validity period] 2022.02.23. ~ 2025.02.22.

최저신용자 특례보증
