청포도 청년적금 A perfect guide to young people’s savings in green grapes (feat. up to 5% interest rate)

We are going to talk about Shinhan Savings Bank’s new product that is receiving a lot of attention among young people these days, the ‘Green Grape Youth Installment Savings’ that supports the hopeful future of young people. Let’s take a closer look at the products that everyone dreams of raising a lot of money, the first step toward that, and the benefits of the Green Grape Youth Installment Savings. Read carefully and don’t miss the 5% installment interest rate. 청포도 청년적금

Green grape installment savings
Table of Contents

on the basis of stability jasminevista.com
Companion to raise a large sum of money, young people’s savings in green grapes
✅ The attractiveness of interest rates
✅ Opportunities for preferential interest rates
✅ How to save and pay interest
✅ Example of interest calculation
Importance of Financial Institution Analysis
Results of analysis of management disclosure
✅ Is the savings bank anxious?
a good article to read together

on the basis of stability
The first thing to consider when choosing a financial instrument is stability. Especially in these uncertain economic situations, it has become more important to check the soundness of financial institutions. So today, we have carefully analyzed Shinhan Savings Bank’s products based on the latest disclosure data.

청포도 청년적금

Companion to raise a large sum of money, young people’s savings in green grapes

Green Grape Youth Savings is an installment savings product introduced by Shinhan Bank to help raise funds for the future of young people. Anyone aged 19 to 39 can sign up, and in particular, the product is designed to save a certain amount of money every month during the 6 to 12 month subscription period.


➡ Subject to ️ membership: Those aged 19 to 39


Sign up for young people’s savings in green grapes

Shinhan SOL Savings Bank
🚨 Shinhan SOL Savings Bank
✅ The attractiveness of interest rates
The biggest attraction of young people’s savings in green grapes is interest rates. They offer interest rates ranging from a minimum of 4% per year to a maximum of 5% per year, and it’s certainly an attractive condition to be able to get such a high rate on a pre-tax basis.


Term interest rate (annual, pre-tax)
6 months and 4%
12 months and 4%

✅ Opportunities for preferential interest rates
This product can receive more interest rate benefits if it meets the preferential interest rate conditions, 0.1% if you agree to collect and use personal information, 0.3% if you automatically transfer more than a certain number of times to our account, and 0.6% if you do not issue a bankbook.


➡ Agree to collect and use personal information of ️: 0.1%

➡ If more than 1/2 of the total number of monthly payments made during the ️ contract period is paid from the company’s deposit and withdrawal account: 0.3%

➡ If a bankbook is not issued until maturity after signing up for a ️ product: 0.6%

Green grape installment savings, preferential interest rate details
Green grape installment savings, preferential interest rate details

✅ How to save and pay interest
Green grape youth installment savings are operated by regularly accumulating a certain amount of money every month. The monthly payment limit is from a minimum of 10,000 won to a maximum of 300,000 won, and interest is paid at a time when it expires.


➡ ️ method: Monthly regular accumulation formula

➡ Monthly payment limit for ️: Minimum KRW 10,000 to maximum KRW 300,000 (KRW unit)

➡ ️ interest payment method: Expiration date and time payment


Sign up for young people’s savings in green grapes

✅ Example of interest calculation
For example, if you pay 300,000 won per month for 12 months at an annual interest rate of 5%, the total amount will be 3,682,485 won including the principal.


Green grape installment savings, interest calculation example
Green grape installment savings, interest calculation example

Importance of Financial Institution Analysis
The financial position of a financial institution is the basis for determining whether it can respond to unexpected risks. As you can see in the recent news, the financial health of financial institutions is a big issue, and this analysis is just as important as high interest rates.


Results of analysis of management disclosure

Shinhan Savings Bank’s assets amount to about 3 trillion won is very positive. The equity capital ratio is 17.55%, far exceeding the 8% used as an indicator of stability, and the net fixed loan ratio and liquidity ratio are also good.


👉 Asset size: Approximately 3 trillion (good)

Shinhan Savings Bank, Asset Size
Shinhan Savings Bank, Asset Size

👉 Equity capital ratio: 17.55% (good)

Shinhan Savings Bank’s equity capital ratio
Shinhan Savings Bank’s equity capital ratio

👉 Net fixed or less loan ratio: 2% (good)

Shinhan Savings Bank’s ratio of loans below net fixed
Shinhan Savings Bank’s ratio of loans below net fixed

👉 Liquidity ratio: 119.84% (good)

Shinhan Savings Bank, Liquidity Ratio
Shinhan Savings Bank, Liquidity Ratio


Sign up for young people’s savings in green grapes

✅ Is the savings bank anxious?
Shinhan Savings Bank is a bank established in 2012, originally named Yehanbyul Savings Bank. It was merged with Shinhan Savings Bank as a subsidiary of Shinhan Financial Group. The history of Shinhan Savings Bank is as follows.


temporary history
2012.11.06 Established Yehanbyul Savings Bank Co., Ltd
November 16, 2012 Authorization for Mutual Savings Bank Business and Transfer of assets and liabilities of Jinheung Savings Bank Co., Ltd
2013.01.31 Incorporated as a subsidiary of Shinhan Financial Holding Co., Ltd
2013.03.20 Authorization to merge with Shinhan Savings Bank (Financial Commission)
2013.04.01 After merging with Shinhan Savings Bank, the company name was changed to Shinhan Savings Bank Co., Ltd
2022.06.17 Paid increase of KRW 50 billion

Today, we learned about Shinhan Bank’s Green Grape Youth Savings that supports young people’s dreams and goals. This product is a special product that young people can conveniently sign up online and only have one account per person. Considering the terms of subscription and interest rate benefits, it will be a very favorable choice for young people who dream of raising a large sum of money. If you are interested in short-term savings, please consider signing up through the Shinhan Savings Bank app. However, the final decision is up to you, so please contact your bank and make a careful decision.