청년창업지원금 신청방법 및 자격요건 Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund Application Method and Qualifications

Today, we have organized about how to apply for the Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund and the qualifications that many people are interested in. There are many people who have a good idea or passion, but delay and hesitate to start a business due to lack of funds. At this time, it is good to take a look at the systems supported by the government and use the systems that can be utilized.

청년창업지원금 신청방법
What is the Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund?​

청년창업지원금 신청방법

​Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund is a system that can be used by young people aged 39 years old, and is called “youth-only” startup fund. At this time, this system is not simply financial support, but it is a big advantage that you can receive education together. ​Details and requirements related to this system will be organized below, so please check them carefully.


Go to Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund Application

Small and Medium Venture Business Promotion Corporation



​Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund Qualifications & Details

​This system is basically a system for young people, so you must meet the age requirement. It is said that only those aged 19 to 39 can apply, and if you have met the age requirements, you can apply by preparing some documents. ​The final approval criteria differs depending on whether the applicant is a prospective founder or an existing founder.


​Go to Mannai Calculator

Content of support​

​If you apply for and are approved for this support system, you will receive a fixed interest rate of 2% per annum up to KRW 100 million. If it is a manufacturing industry, it is possible to approve up to 200 million won, and the support fund supported in this way can be used as facility or operating funds. In addition, you can receive support from the Small and Medium Business Corporation’s mentoring for entrepreneurs.


​How to apply and required documents​

​The first thing you need to know is that you can apply for this system until ‘when the budget is exhausted’, so it’s good to apply at the beginning of the year as much as possible. When you apply, you can proceed right away by visiting the website of the Small and Medium Business Corporation. ​In order to apply, you will need to prepare several documents.



Go to Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund Application

Small and Medium Venture Business Promotion Corporation



Documents to be submitted
loan application
Business plan – breakdown of funding requirements
Detailed plan and pledge of ethical compliance
Company status (can be replaced by planned situation)

​▼Consultation application form

Start-up support application

When applying for start-up support fund consultation, we provide 1:1 close management of the type of support project, application procedure, document preparation consultation, business plan preparation consultation, and evaluation items. Eligibility for start-up support Men and women under the age of 39


‘Youth Entrepreneurship Academy’ that is good to know together

The system that would be nice to know along with the youth-only entrepreneurship funds organized earlier is the ‘Youth Entrepreneurship Academy’. ​This system mainly supports young people who plan to start a technology business, and is characterized by providing practical support, securing funds, securing space, and providing quality education.


Youth Entrepreneurship Academy

KOSME Youth Entrepreneurship Academy



The 1 million won subsidy can be used in the fields of materials, production, labor costs, and marketing. In particular, after graduating from the school, you can receive support such as policy funds for 5 years, so it would be nice to make sure to take advantage of it. You can apply for this system on the website of the ‘Youth Entrepreneurship Academy’, but please make sure to review the precautions before applying through the contents below.


[Good article to read together]


How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions

How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions

Let’s find out how to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions. If you have read this article to the end, you will be able to check the details of small business support subsidies, application, payment conditions, etc.


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