청년내일채움공제 신청방법 및 자격요건 How to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction and Qualifications

Today, I would like to introduce how to apply for the Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction and the qualifications. If you pay about 160,000 won per month, it is a product that supports 12 million won + @. If you are eligible, please apply for this product unconditionally.

청년내일채움공제 신청방법
With this product, the annual installment amount is over 4 million won, and about 160,000 won per month is steadily paid. If you pay in full for two years, it will be about 4 million won. This is it. Then, the government and companies subsidize 8 million won, and interest will follow additionally.

청년내일채움공제 신청방법

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction (work.go.kr)​

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

Participate in Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction!! Young people are given an opportunity to lay the foundation for future design through early career formation, and SMEs are given an opportunity to secure excellent talent and retain employment. Go to Business Introduction


This is the youth tomorrow fill deduction that only young people can sign up for this installment savings product.


A new announcement was made recently. We have organized the contents that have changed from the existing about the 2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction, which many people are interested in. In the past, youth, government, and companies paid 3 million won, and companies paid 3 million won. In 2023, youth, government, and companies will all pay 4 million won each.​

In the end, the money I will pay is about 166,000 won per month, so if I put in 4 million won, I will give a total of 8 million won more, 4 million won to the government and 4 million won to the company. You can earn more interest here. It is said that all the processes and procedures that have been carried out in the past are the same.

2023 Naeil Filling Deduction Application and Qualification Information
Subject of application
Age: 15 to 34 years of age
As of the date of full-time employment, there is no history of employment insurance subscription, or the period of employment insurance subscription after graduating from school is less than 12 months
* However, short-term subscription history of less than 3 months is excluded from the total subscription period.

Mannai Calculator: Naver Integrated Search (naver.com)

Mannai Calculator: Naver Integrated Search

These are the results of Naver’s integrated search for ‘Meeting Calculator’.


Education is not limited
* Excluding those attending high school, college, or taking a leave of absence as of the date of full-time employment

This applies to small and medium-sized businesses with 5 or more employees insured by employment insurance as of the date of hiring a full-time job for young people who are expected to join the youth deduction.

​To recapitulate the key points, anyone between the ages of 15 and 34 can sign up, and military veterans can sign up up to the age of 39, and those who have no history of subscribing to employment insurance or who have signed up for less than 12 months​

And you need to check whether the company is applicable. If you go to the Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction website, you can find detailed information.

2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction change, reorganized contents summary
company size
SMEs with 5 or more employees → expanded to workplaces with 5 or more employees and less than 50 employees.

​Supported industry
Previously, all industries have been changed to manufacturing and construction.

And, depending on the size of the company, some of the conditions for differential burden have been changed.

​The most important point here is that the previous 3 million won payment for 2 years was increased by 1 million won from 4 million won payment for 2 years, but as a result, the country and companies received 4 million won each and 8 million won, so if you can sign up for this, you can sign up unconditionally if you meet the conditions. It is advantageous to do so.

Right now, only changes and reorganization directions have come out. The increase in corporate burden was a differential burden depending on the size of the company, but this has increased to 100%.​

However, if you check closely, the amount the company pays is the same anyway. In 2023, the key point is that the existing 300 (youth), 300 (corporate), and 600 (government) burdens have been uniformly changed to 400 (youth), 400 (corporations), and 400 (government). The business entity was reorganized. Changed from previous operating institution to employment center (reorganized to perform overall subscription and payment tasks)​

The current operating period and details have not been announced, so please check only the changes made in 2023 and see how the process goes.​

​You can apply for participation directly on the WorkNet youth deduction website. If approved here, you can apply for subscription, but the application period must be completed within 6 months from the date of hiring a full-time employee on the youth deduction subscription website. For more information, call 1350 without an area code and use the hotkeys 3 and 8 to consult immediately.​

Youth tomorrow fill deduction that will boast the best profit rate in 2023, in the end, it is a very great installment savings system that receives 8 million won more from taxes and companies. I hope that young people will help to lay a little bit of foundation for the future by preparing a lump sum through this installment savings.

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction (work.go.kr)

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

Participate in Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction!! Young people are given an opportunity to lay the foundation for future design through early career formation, and SMEs are given an opportunity to secure excellent talent and retain employment. Go to Business Introduction
