차용증 쓰는 법 및 양식 다운로드 How to write an IOU and download the form

Today, we will learn about how to write an IOU, how to download the IOU form, precautions when writing an IOU, and details about interest-free borrowing. When purchasing real estate, you often receive financial support from your parents.

차용증 쓰는 법

차용증 쓰는 법

If you do so, you may be exposed to risks such as investigation of fund dissipation in the future. In this case, if you fill out an IOU with support by receiving some as a gift and partially borrowing money from your parents, you can make a claim without any problems later.


First, an IOU is a document written between a debtor and a creditor and is classified as a type of contract. By writing an IOU according to the IOU, the relationship between the debtor and the creditor is clearly established, and the details of the debt amount and debt repayment plan have legal effect.

How to write an IOU and form

There is no set format for the IOU, but if the necessary information is not included, it may not be effective as legal evidence. So, I will tell you about the information that must be included when filling out an IOU.

How to write an IOU

Personal information of creditor and debtor

The personal information of the creditor and debtor must be accurately entered. To prevent legal disputes, it is best to accurately write down your real name, resident registration number, address, phone number, and signature. Additionally, the parties to a contract must verify that they are the same person by comparing the other party’s personal information with their ID before entering into a contract.

Interest rate and principal repayment date

If you agree to lend money interest-free, you must indicate that it is an interest-free loan. If interest is stated, but the interest rate is not stated, the legal interest rate of 5% per annum is applied. If it is a financial transaction with a principal amount of 100,000 won or more, the interest rate can be freely agreed upon within the limit of 24% per annum.

Please note that if the interest rate exceeds 24% per annum, you may be subject to imprisonment for up to one year or a fine. It is a good idea to accurately enter the year, month, and day of the repayment date. It is said that it is also a good idea to include special provisions in case the money is not repaid by the repayment date, such as charging late payment interest or confiscating property rights after the repayment date.

Seal impression certificate and confirmation of personal signature

It is better to obtain a signature with a personal seal certificate rather than an autograph. Seal seals are said to have higher public trust than regular seals. The certificate of personal signature was introduced to improve the inconvenience of the seal certificate system, and has the same effect as the seal certificate.

IOU form download

You can download the IOU form for free and fill it out by modifying the contents to suit the circumstances of the creditor and debtor. You can download and use the file according to your situation.

IOU 1_General download

IOU form download


Today, we learned how to write an IOU and how to download the form. Please be careful when making money transactions between family members, and if there is a situation where you need to use an IOU, please refer to it and fill it out to avoid problems in the future.

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