직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회 2 ways to search for health checkup candidates and cost comparison – Oppa Post

직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회oppa post

In today’s post, I’ll take the time to explain in detail about the two ways to look up people subject to health checkup and the cost comparison, and then explain it simply and easily.
In Korea, the National Health Insurance Corporation covers the cost and has a system in place so that eligible people can receive free health examinations.
Adults over the age of 20 are eligible for a free health checkup once every two years.

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Below are the conditions for the 4 types of health checkups.

Head of household with an odd year of birth or a member of a household aged 20 or older

A person aged 20 or older with an odd year of birth

Persons between the ages of 19 and 64 with an odd year of birth

You can easily check whether you are eligible for a health checkup by checking the current year and your year of birth.
In the case of 2021, the last digit is 1, which is an odd number, so this year’s health checkup targets are those with an odd year of birth.
Conversely, those with even-numbered birth years will be eligible in 2022 and 2024.
However, this is only a rough confirmation method, and since conditions vary depending on the situation, accurate confirmation is required.

If you are eligible for this year’s free health checkup, you can receive a checkup ticket and information by mail.
However, if you have not received the mail due to a change of address or other reasons, you can check whether you are eligible for the health checkup by the method below.

You can easily inquire whether you are eligible for health checkup through the following 4 steps.

First of all, please visit the National Health Insurance website.

When using the National Health Insurance website for the first time, a joint certificate registration procedure is required.
Please register a joint certificate in your name.

Please log in using the registered joint certificate.

After logging in, you can check whether you are eligible for health checkup by clicking the Health Checkup Target Search button on the main screen of the homepage.
Also, please note that you can also search for health checkup hospitals by clicking the checkup institution search button at the bottom of the screen.

You can search through the following 4 steps even on mobile.

Click the Health in tab located at the bottom of the mobile screen.

After running the app, log in using the joint certificate.

You can check the search results by clicking the check target check button in the middle of the screen.

There are a total of 5 health checkup items.

The common test is a basic test to check the function of the body.
We conduct general health checkups such as height and weight, waist circumference, body mass index, eyesight, and hearing.

Levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, and urinary protein in the blood are tested.
Men over the age of 24 and women over the age of 40 are screened every four years.

At the age of 40, hepatitis B, bacterial film on the tooth surface, and gastroscopy are performed.
In addition, those in the high-risk group must undergo ultrasound and serum protein tests twice a year.

If you are 50 years of age or older, you can get a colonoscopy every year.
Colonoscopy is performed for the purpose of early treatment of colorectal cancer through the detection of polyps in the digestive tract.

Among those eligible for health checkup, cancer screening is performed by age, and the target age and cost of cancer screening by item are as above.

If you are a member of health insurance, the health checkup for the year is free.
However, in addition to the basic examination, if you need a personal disease, additional treatment, or cancer examination, you can pay your own expenses and proceed with the examination.
In the case of self-payment, it is about 10%, so if there is a possibility of a disease such as a family history, it is recommended to check it together when conducting a health checkup.

Since the results of the examination in an empty stomach are the most accurate, fasting after 9:00 pm the day before the health examination, and all food intake, including water, should be prohibited on the day of the examination.
Since you need to fast for at least 8 hours, it is recommended to schedule a national health checkup in the morning if possible.
In addition, excessive exercise and drinking before a health checkup can increase liver levels and affect urine test results, so be careful.
Lastly, you must bring your ID card and checkup ticket at the time of health checkup.

직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회
