주간보호센터 창업 How many people does a day care center need to accommodate to generate profit and sales? (Realistic concern)

주간보호센터 창업* Nursing care worker: 1 person per 4 people in the case of dementia-only type
A standard is needed to calculate day care center profits. It is difficult to show the exact profit because there are many variables due to the addition and transfer manpower operation, but you can set a temporary standard and calculate the profit. If you have ever worked with a consulting company when calculating profits, they will often show you the maximum profit. However, please note that the minimum profit is shown here. To calculate profits, you must first check the price (cost per person level and time) and the monthly limit for each level.
It would be nice to see all the prices, but only some of the information was posted to calculate profits in the section with the most usage time and usage level at the day care center.
1. Employee status (only the minimum required number of people applies)
2. 48.7% of direct labor costs will be applied in 2022 (for information on direct labor costs, please refer to the previous posting.)
Sales: Excluding meal ingredient costs, transportation costs, and hairdressing costs
The calculation method is sales (2022 fee + deductible) * 20 days * number of people, labor cost (48.7% of sales), and fee and deductible are applied to more than 8 hours and less than 10 hours. Please note that this was written based on standards because many variables occur. If you look at the table above, it is the same data as the 2021 standard table written in the previous post, except for the year. I only showed this in my previous post, and if you are working with someone who is doing consulting and showing great profits, please stop working with that person. Based on the table above, sales-labor costs apply only to direct labor costs, so other labor costs and indirect labor costs are not included. Indirect labor costs must exclude labor costs for facility managers, office workers, cooks, and assistants (drivers). It is common to exclude indirect labor costs and apply indirect labor costs because the head of the facility is mostly the representative who founded the institution. However, if a facility manager is hired, it must be included. In that case, if all direct labor costs have been applied based on Table 2 above, the costs of other personnel, facility managers, office workers, cooks, and drivers should be excluded.

2. Application of indirect labor costs (minimum hourly wage of 9,160 won in 2022)
* The above salary was prepared based on the minimum salary, but was measured for each PART to make calculation convenient.
* The above sales and labor costs are the amounts applied in Table 1.
As you can see from the article, the standard applied in the table above is the amount based on the minimum number of people. To give you realistic advice, it is difficult to operate the center with the number of people applied in the table. In other words, the above income decreases further. This is because what we have shown so far is the cost when operating the center with the minimum number of people. Most consulting companies say they will show you a slightly higher cost, and if they show the above cost as well, you will have hope. However, the amount shown here is not the end. I will discuss the above in more depth in the next article, but if you have read the article, you may be wondering, “Isn’t this too unrealistic?” regarding the number of employees and indirect labor costs. If you decide to start thinking, “I guess it’ll be okay,” and if the data shown around you is the same as the above, I recommend that you stop for a moment and think again. For now, I’ve only shown you the labor costs. No other costs are included.
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주간보호센터 창업
