장애인 복지카드 혜택 및 신청방법 Disabled Welfare Card Benefits and Application Method

Disabled Welfare Card Benefits and Application Method

We summarize the benefits of the disabled welfare card. Disabled Welfare Card is a card issued to people with disabilities. It is issued by integrating a debit card or credit card with a disability registration certificate. This article summarizes the benefits of welfare cards for the disabled and how to apply for them.


장애인 복지카드 혜택

I have poor eyesight on one side.


It was a retinal hemangioma, and it was faintly visible at first, but after 5 or 6 years, almost no vision came out. So, in the end, I was diagnosed with visual impairment.장애인 복지카드 혜택

It was a bit inconvenient to buy something, but it didn’t bother me much, but I didn’t see any benefits.

It was partly because I had mild symptoms, and I lived without knowing that there were any particular benefits.

Disability originally had benefits by grade, but in 2019, support according to disability grade was abolished.


The grading system has been abolished, and welfare support is now divided into mild disabilities of grades 4, 5, and 6 and severe disabilities of grades 1, 2, and 3.

Levels 1 to 3 of the criterion are classified as severe disabilities, and grades 4 to 6 are classified as mild disabilities.

Here, we will find out what kind of welfare support benefits are available to people with mild disabilities, including after the abolition of the disabled class.

For reference, the benefits received by those with mild symptoms are of course included in those with severe symptoms.



First of all, there are various supports for the disabled in Korea depending on the type of disability, welfare field, and region.

It is said that there are over 700, but I can’t check them all here.

So, if I have a disability, let’s go to the site below and see if there is customized welfare support for me.



There are various support benefits that apply to me.




welfare bank


Welfare Bank website



Heating cost support Where and how much – Livelihood stabilization support by local government

The villa I live in uses LPG gas. I had no choice but to endure this unprecedentedly cold winter, then turned on the heating and heard a gasp. The gas bill, which was usually around 30,000 won, came to about 280,000 won. Damn… the swearing comes out on its own. heating cost…



In addition, welfare support services according to individual laws and ordinances cover all areas of real life. For example, even in the case of apartment subscription, there is a separate screening for the disabled. I need to carefully check the benefits given to me in everyday life.


Here, let’s take a look at the general benefits that anyone can receive in common when they have a disability welfare card.







Disabled Welfare Card Common Benefits

Support for medical expenses when presenting a certificate of disability registration along with a certificate of medical benefit
Discounts on fees for palaces, tombs, national and public art galleries, national and public parks, national and public performance halls, and public sports facilities
Discounted parking rates in public parking lots
Rail/city rail fare discount
airfare discount
Coastal ferry passenger fare discount
50% discount on highway tolls for disabled welfare card issuers

The following benefits are common to those who have a disability welfare card.

※ For details, refer to the website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare > Information > Business > Guide for the Disabled




This is slightly different depending on which card you receive when you receive a welfare card.

Whether it’s a credit card or a check card, it’s slightly different depending on where you’re affiliated. Integrated Welfare for the Disabled Shinhan Card

Let’s check by 2030.



1. Discount on lpg charging stations
Welfare card benefits for the disabled Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of welfare card for the disabled – 1. Discount at lpg charging stations


2. Free transportation function
Disability Welfare Card Benefits Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 2. Free transportation function

3. Beauty Discount
Disability Welfare Card Benefit Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 3. Beauty discount


4. Theme Park Discount
Disability Welfare Card Benefit Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 4. Theme park discount


5. Movie discounts
Disability Welfare Card Benefit Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 5. Movie discount


6. Sports discount
Disability Welfare Card Benefit Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 6. Sports discount


7. Jewelry discount
Disability Welfare Card Benefits Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 7. Jewelry discount

8. Highway toll discount

Disability Welfare Card Benefits Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 7. Jewelry discount

9. Gas discount

Disability Welfare Card Benefits Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 7. Jewelry discount


10. Food and beverage discounts

Disability Welfare Card Benefits Summary Mild (including severe) – Common benefits of disabled welfare card – 7. Jewelry discount


Find out about the benefits of the above welfare card. Even if you only get a welfare card, there are quite a lot of benefits. And there are many good things if you look for benefits when you need them, so check carefully so you don’t miss them.