일용직 실업급여 신청방법 및 조건 How to apply for daily worker unemployment benefits and conditions

Let’s learn about how to apply for daily worker unemployment benefits and the eligibility conditions. There are many people around me who work as day laborers, but many of them are not aware of whether they can apply for unemployment benefits.

일용직 실업급여

일용직 실업급여

If you work as a non-regular or daily worker in the field or at a small business, you may have to stop working and face financial difficulties. This system was created to help with this situation. It is mandatory for workers to sign up for employment insurance. Daily workers must meet basic requirements to receive unemployment benefits.

How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers

When applying for daily worker unemployment benefits, you must meet the eligibility requirements and visit the employment center with your ID to apply.

What to do before visiting the employment center

After registering as a Worknet member, proceed with resume registration and job search registration.

Receive online training for eligible applicants

Unemployment benefit recognition procedure

Conditions for receiving unemployment benefits for daily workers

Employment insurance payment for more than 180 days in 18 months

You can apply if you have worked less than 10 days in the month prior to the date of application for unemployment benefits, or if you are a construction day worker and have had more than 14 days off recently.

To apply for unemployment benefits, you must have worked less than 10 days in the month prior to the application date.

Apply even if you have not worked for 14 consecutive days prior to the application date for unemployment benefits.

Within 1 year after leaving the company

involuntary resignation

active job search

Amount of unemployment benefits paid to daily workers

60% of average pre-retirement wage depending on age at retirement and employment insurance subscription period (120 to 270 days)

If you become employed during the period of receiving unemployment benefits, you will not be able to receive unemployment benefits on the days of employment.

If you are employed or have a business for more than 6 months while receiving unemployment benefits, you can receive part or all of the remaining payment.

Number of days unemployment benefits are paid (number of days of prescribed benefits)

Changed jobs on October 1, 2019

Age and subscription period Less than 1 year 1 year to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to 10 years More than 10 years Under 30 90 days 90 days 120 days 150 days 180 days 30 to 50 years 90 days 120 days 150 days 180 210 days 50 years or older and disabled 90 days 150 days 180 days 210 days 240 days

Changed job after October 1, 2019

Age and subscription period Less than 1 year 1 year to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 years to 10 years More than 10 years Under 50 years old 120 days 150 days 180 days 210 days 240 days Over 50 years old and disabled 120 days 180 days 210 days 240 270 days

Daily worker benefits

If an eligible beneficiary receives vocational competency development training, etc. under the instructions of the head of an employment security agency, he or she may receive vocational competency development allowance in addition to job-seeking benefits.

If a beneficiary is seeking employment across a wide area, he/she may be eligible to receive regional job-seeking expenses. (transportation and accommodation fees)

If a beneficiary moves to get a job or receive vocational skill development training, he or she may receive relocation expenses.


Since one of the requirements for receiving unemployment benefits is activities for re-employment, you must engage in activities for re-employment, such as submitting an application and attending an interview. It is not recognized as a re-employment activity by applying to the same workplace.

Also, please keep in mind that if you do not attend on the unemployment recognition day, the number of prescribed benefit days will be reduced by the number of days for which you were not recognized as unemployed.

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