운전경력증명서 발급 Application for issuance of driver’s record certificate, fast method and fee

We will have time to learn about the quick way to apply for a driver’s license issuance.

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In the case of a driver’s record certificate, you must obtain and submit it in advance because it can be an essential document when you are employed by a specific related company. 운전경력증명서 발급

So, in this post, I will tell you about applying for a driver’s record certificate, and it is possible to issue it immediately on the same day, so it is good to know how to apply for issuance and to learn how to save a PDF.

운전경력증명서 발급

Receive issuance of driver’s record certificate immediately in 1 minute
Issuance of driving experience certificate marineoreo
A driver’s record certificate is a document that proves the applicant’s driving record in accordance with the Enforcement Rules of the Road Traffic Act. Personal information/class 1, class 2/violation of laws/presence of traffic accidents, etc. are recorded.

In the driver’s record certificate, it is possible to inquire the record of the extent of the damage of the applicant’s traffic accident. In this way, it is possible to inquire in detail the extent of the damage suffered by the other party, such as death or minor or serious injuries.

Issuance of such a driving experience certificate is easily possible through the Internet. Online issuance is possible through the Government 24 website (shortcut), and issuance is also possible by visiting the police station. The above two methods are free of charge.

📌Go to check the validity period of your driving experience certificate
Issuance of driving experience certificate
Go to the Government 24 website ▶️ Search for [Issuance of driving experience certificate] in the search bar ▶️ [Issuance] ▶️ You can issue it through self-authentication (simple authentication/joint certificate/financial certificate). Even if you do not have a printing printer, you can save PDFs, so you can invest just one minute and proceed with issuance.

After entering the applicant’s name, date of birth, and required items, write down the desired period, click the item marked with the submission details, check the items among driver’s license experience/traffic accident/violation, and write the reason for issuance.

Issuance of driver’s record certificate
A driver’s license can also be issued by visiting a police station. If you have difficulty using the Internet, you can visit the nearest police station, take care of your preparations, and issue it.

For the items you need to bring, you must submit an identification card (driver’s license/disability registration card/resident registration card/foreigner registration card/passport/national merit certificate). It is also possible to issue an agent.

If you wish to issue an agent, a total of 3 documents are required: agent’s ID, power of attorney, and applicant’s ID. So far, we have looked at how to issue a driving experience certificate. It can be issued online through the Government 24 website or by visiting the police station.