요소수 가격 및 주입시기, 재고확인 방법 Urea price, injection time, and inventory check method

Today, we will learn about urea price, injection timing, and how to check inventory. Diesel vehicles and cargo vehicles released these days require periodic injection of urea because urea is an essential ingredient. A major crisis occurred when China restricted more than 60% of the elements needed for urea production.

요소수 가격

요소수 가격

It is stable now, so the price fluctuations are not large, but there is no harm in preparing for urea shortage or a crisis, so please be aware of this.

What is the number of elements?

Urea water is called diesel exhaust fluid. Urea water is sprayed into the exhaust gas to change nitrogen oxides into clean nitrogen and water. Nitrogen oxides are a major cause of global warming. If you think that urea water acts as a filter and cleans it, It’ll be fine.

The livelihood of cargo transport workers, couriers, buses, fire trucks, etc. may be halted if urea water is not available, which may affect their livelihoods.

element price

The price of urea water is approximately 10,000 to 20,000 won for 10 liters. Since the urea water crisis led to a shortage, the price of urea water has been set at around 20,000 won for a small 10 liter container. The price is reasonable compared to the old used market where 10 liters cost more than 100,000 won.

You can purchase Eurox urea water at the official Naver Store Farm, please refer to the link below.

Timing of urea injection

Truck: Replenish urea every 300-400 km

Passenger car: replenish urea every 15,000~20,000km

You can check the remaining number of elements through the instrument panel. If the number of urea is insufficient while driving, a warning light will come on on the instrument panel. If there is no urea water, contaminants may not be filtered out and the engine may not start.

Find a Urea Gas Station

You can find the main urea water points for diesel vehicles on the Lotte Fine Chemicals Yurox website, Naver Map, and Kakao Map. We hope you find it convenient to use.


Search for ‘Eurox’ in the search engine and access the homepage

Search after setting region

Naver Map

Search for ‘urea water gas station’

You can check the sales status and inventory of urea at each gas station in liter units.

It provides guidance on site urea inventory and remaining inventory by liter, updated every two hours, and also provides friendly guidance on the route, distance, and time taken from the current location. It also lists not only the number of elements but also the inventory and prices of gasoline and diesel.

👇 Download Naver Map App (Android)

👇 Download Naver Map app (iPhone)

Kakao Map

Click the ‘Number of Elements’ icon at the top of ‘Kakao Map’

Element count-focused distribution gas stations can be confirmed

Please note that updates are made every two hours.

👇 Download Kakao Map app (Android)

👇 Download Kakao Map app (iPhone)


Today, we learned about urea price, injection timing, and how to check inventory. Urea water is not sold at all gas stations, so be sure to check before you go.

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