아이템매니아 거래하는법 From item mania ‘transaction method’ to ‘shortcut’!

아이템매니아 거래하는법It’s Jjanggu! Hahahaha
Today, I bring you the last news that many of you are curious about.
I’ll guide you from how to trade item mania to shortcuts at once!
I’m sure there are many people who are more curious about shortcuts, so today I’ll give you a special shortcut first.
Those whose goal was to go directly to the item mania rather than the trading method,
You can go right now!
Please click the picture below

Then, since it was a shortcut,
Now we will tell you how to trade!
There are times when I become a buyer when making a transaction in Item Mania, right?
There are times when you register an item to purchase and then wait.
I think there will be more cases where you apply for a purchase while browsing the items for sale!

The purchase process is carried out in a total of 5 steps, as shown in the picture.
Let’s go through each step in detail!
Item Mania Buyer Transaction Guide First!
‘Search the product you want to buy and apply for purchase’
When inspecting, choose to sell/buy
After setting up the game, you also need to choose a server.
Did you choose a game name and server name?

Then, after watching
Please click on the item you want to trade!

Next, you have to search with a hawk’s eye! Check whether the product information is accurate, what the seller’s credit rating is, and what kind of authentication it has received.
Check out the various things! hahaha
Then, it is not too late to click the purchase request button.

Then, through the purchase information confirmation page
Please make a payment after carefully checking your personal information and payment information!
There are 4 payment methods: mileage, credit card, mobile phone, and T-cash.
And if the seller has a problem with something and asks for a replacement??
In that case, you can never give it back.
If you received it, it’s over. You can’t give it back!
Come back to payment, haha
After completing the payment, you can check the seller information on the item in progress,

Please proceed with contacting the seller’s contact information in the product information!
If you are contacted, please check the character name as a must!
You can send and receive items in the game with the confirmed contact information and character name.

If you have received the goods without any problems, please click the Confirm Receipt button.
It seems that it is possible to issue a cash receipt! hahahahaha
And one more thing to note!
Make sure to press takeover after the transaction is completed perfectly!
Please be careful! Hahahaha
You checked the transaction method and even checked the points to keep in mind that you can use it safely!
If there is anything you would like to see more of,
It would be more convenient if you enter through the item mania shortcut I posted at the top of the article, right?
I will finish today’s guide.

I received a small fee from IMI while promoting the above product, it has nothing to do with the game company, and the event information falls under this.
Cjanggu >< @♥Angel♥ If you liked the post, please "Like❤️" or "Subscribe👍🏻"! Name Password Homepage Secret previous post 2020.06.08 next post 2020.06.16 The intellectual property rights of Naver Nanum Fonts belong to Naver and the Naver Cultural Foundation. The intellectual property rights of 'Cookie Run Font' belong to Devsisters Co., Ltd.

아이템매니아 거래하는법
