아동복지통합서비스 사이버교육센터 신청 및 대상자 조회 Child Welfare Integrated Service Cyber ​​Education Center Application and Target Inquiry

Today, we will learn about how to apply for the Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center and check who is eligible. The Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center is an important public institution operated by the Child Rights Protection Agency.

아동복지통합서비스 사이버교육센터

아동복지통합서비스 사이버교육센터

The Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center provides various educational programs in accordance with the Child Welfare Act to prevent child abuse and promote children’s rights. You can apply for and take various education related to children.

Apply for Child Welfare Integrated Service Cyber ​​Education Center

You can apply for training on the Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center website. For additional inquiries about education, please contact the Child Rights Guarantee Customer Center (02-6454-8500).

Access the website of the Integrated Child Welfare Service Cyber ​​Education Center

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Children’s welfare integrated service training target

The content provided at the Child Welfare Integrated Service Cyber ​​Education Center includes child education, parent education, guardian education, employee education, qualification training, adoption awareness improvement education, child abuse prevention education, and disappearance prevention education.

Children: Children in need of child welfare services are the main targets. They are often in need of protection due to issues such as domestic violence, abuse, abandonment and poverty.

Parents and Guardians: We provide education on children’s rights and safety to parents or guardians who are the children’s primary guardians. It plays an important role in ensuring children’s healthy development and safety.

Social welfare experts and educators: Social welfare experts and educators who provide child welfare services or provide education directly to children are also eligible. They are provided with training to equip them with the necessary skills to understand the child’s special circumstances and provide appropriate support.

People in society who hold positions directly related to children: teachers, medical staff, police officers, court officials, etc. play a key role in ensuring the safety and well-being of children, so they also need relevant training.

Any member of the community: Members of the community where the child belongs also receive training to increase their understanding of child welfare and children’s rights and contribute to protecting children.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is training for those required to report child abuse different from child abuse prevention training?

Training for mandatory reporters is provided by the head of the institution or facility to which the child abuse reporter is affiliated in accordance with Article 26 of the Child Welfare Act, and public sector child abuse prevention education is conducted by national agencies and local governments in accordance with Article 26-2 of the Child Welfare Act. It is a separate training program conducted by the heads of local governments, public institutions, and public organizations that differ in the underlying laws, training targets, and training content. Those eligible must also complete at least one hour per year.

Category (Public Sector) Child Abuse Prevention Education Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Education Basis Law Article 26-2 of the Child Welfare Act Article 26 (3) of the Child Welfare Act Education Target National institutions, local governments, public institutions under the Act on the Management of Public Institutions Institutions, public organizations prescribed by Presidential Decree, persons required to report as stipulated in each subparagraph of Article 10, Paragraph 2 of the Special Act on Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes*
* Example: Training contents for children welfare facilities, daycare center directors and workers, etc. ① Law on the prevention of child abuse ② Major cases of child abuse ③ Reporting method when child abuse is discovered ① Law on the prevention and reporting obligation of child abuse ② Report when child abuse is discovered Method ③Child victim protection procedures

Is child abuse prevention education in the public sector legally compulsory?

This is legally mandatory education based on Article 26-2 of the Child Welfare Act.

Article 26-2 of the Child Welfare Act (Implementation of child abuse prevention education)

① The heads of state agencies and local governments, public institutions pursuant to the Act on the Management of Public Institutions, and heads of public organizations prescribed by Presidential Decree shall conduct necessary training for the prevention and prevention of child abuse at least once a year and report the results thereof. It must be submitted to the Minister of Health and Welfare. [Newly established on October 24, 2017, implemented on January 1, 2019]

Who is this training aimed at?

The training is provided to employees by the heads of state agencies, local governments, public institutions under the Act on the Management of Public Institutions, and public organizations specified by Presidential Decree* in accordance with Article 26-2 of the Child Welfare Act. no see.

(Public institution, public service-related organization) How do I know if the institution I belong to is eligible for child abuse prevention education?

Public institutions under the “Act on the Management of Public Institutions” can be checked at Alio (www.alio.go.kr), and the list of public service-related organizations can be checked through the notice of the Ministry of Personnel Management (www.mpm.go.kr). can.


In this way, we learned about applying for the Child Welfare Integrated Service Cyber ​​Education Center and checking for candidates. We hope you enjoy the training to prevent child abuse and promote children’s rights. If you have any questions, please contact the customer service center.

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