쏘카 고객센터 및 사고처리 방법 Socar Customer Center and Accident Handling Methods

Today, we will learn about the Socar customer center and accident handling methods. If a car rented through Socar breaks down or an accident occurs while in use, you must immediately contact the customer center number to report it. In particular, if you do not report the accident to the Socar customer center without a justifiable reason after the accident, you may not be able to receive insurance benefits, so please keep this in mind.

쏘카 고객센터

쏘카 고객센터

If a car rented through Socar breaks down or an accident occurs while in use, we will provide information on the Socar customer center number and how to connect to a counselor so that you can quickly contact them.

Socar customer center

For those who use Socar, we will provide information on the phone numbers needed in case of an emergency.

Emergency dispatch reception center

The phone number for the Socar customer center’s emergency dispatch reception center is 1661-3315. In the event of an emergency such as an accident recovery site dispatch, emergency towing, emergency refueling, or battery charging, you can contact the Socar emergency dispatch reception center to report the accident and request a quick on-site dispatch.

SOCAR Emergency Dispatch Reception Center Phone Number: 1661-3315

Services Provided: SOCAR Usage Guide, Accident Reporting, Accident Recovery, Emergency Dispatch Reception for Flat Tires, Emergency Towing, Emergency Fueling, Battery Charging, etc.

Operating Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Accident Reception Center

The phone number for the SOCAR Customer Center’s Accident Reception Center (Accident Care Center) is 1661-4977. If you are using SOCAR and are involved in a collision, single-vehicle accident, or other vehicle damage accident, you can quickly speak to a specialist by calling the Accident Reception Hotline (1661-4977).

Socar Accident Report Center Phone Number: 1661-4977 (Accident Report Direct Hotline)

Services Provided: Accident Insurance Report, Traffic Accident, Collision Accident, Single Accident, Damage Report and Processing

Operating Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Plan Contract Consultation Center

The Socar Plan Contract Consultation Center phone number of the Socar Customer Center is 1661-4885. If you need consultation regarding contract extension and additional driver registration, you can contact the Socar Plan Contract Consultation Center to receive faster service from a professional consultant.

Socar Plan Contract Consultation Center Phone Number: 1661-4885

Services Provided: Contract extension, additional driver registration, etc.

Operating Hours: Weekdays 10:00-19:00

Chat Consultation

Socar supports consultation via chat. If you would like to receive consultation via chat, you can connect to Socar KakaoTalk using the following address and receive consultation. If you have difficulty making a phone call or find chatting more convenient, you can receive consultation using these methods.

👇 Download the Socar app (Android)

👇 Download the Socar app (iPhone)

Socar accident processing costs

All Socar vehicles are covered by comprehensive automobile insurance, and accident processing costs can be compensated according to the Socar insurance terms and conditions. However, additional costs may be incurred if towing or delivery costs occur.

If the accident is reported to the police and accepted, you must also contact the Socar accident center immediately. Please note that the police statement can have a significant impact on insurance coverage.

Customer burden

Socar vehicle repair costs: Depending on the exemption product selected when signing the vehicle rental contract, only the amount below the deductible is borne.

The coverage scope of the vehicle damage exemption system includes vehicle repair costs and compensation for downtime.

On-site processing costs such as emergency dispatch, towing, and rescue are excluded from the coverage.

Additional costs may be incurred if towing or delivery costs occur.

SOCAR Burden

Personal damage to the other party in an accident: Automobile comprehensive insurance personal injury compensation (unlimited)

Physical damage to the other party in an accident: Automobile comprehensive insurance property damage compensation (up to 100 million won)

Injured part of the driver: Automobile comprehensive insurance child (up to 15 million won)

Frequently asked questions

Illekle Customer Center

Inquiries related to Illekle use can be made through the Illekle Customer Center. You can access the Illekle Customer Center by clicking the Socar Main > Illekle > Customer Center icon.

What should I do if I lose something?

If there are no other customers’ reservations right after the end of the drive, you can open the vehicle door using the smart key in the app. After checking for lost items, be sure to lock the vehicle door.

How to use the smart key to find lost items

Socar app ▷ [Menu] on the top right ▷ [Usage history] ▷ Select recent reservation history ▷ [Are there any items left behind?] ▷ [Open the door] ▷ After finding the lost item, [Lock the door]

If there is a reservation for the next customer

If there is a reservation for the next customer, the use of the smart key is restricted. If you cannot use the smart key, please contact the customer center.

※ Note

Secondary loss may occur, so please visit the Socar zone you used as soon as possible.

If there is a reservation for the next customer, the vehicle door control time may end early. In this case, please contact the customer center.


This is how to find out about the Socar customer center and accident handling methods. If you encounter a problem while using the Socar, we hope that it will be helpful to resolve it by contacting the customer center.

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