스크린 야구장 Screen Baseball Stadium Legend Baseball Zone rates and reviews

스크린 야구장Screen Baseball Stadium Legend Baseball Zone rates and reviews

by Newbee Heaven
2020. 12. 6. 22:44

I really enjoyed playing screen baseball with my co-workers while relieving stress. However, as the coronavirus spread, the number of company dinners decreased and it became difficult to gather and have fun with people. I hope COVID-19 ends quickly and our lives return to how they were before. For the day when we can get together again, we are sharing the rates and reviews of the Legend Baseball Zone at Screen Baseball Stadium.

Even though I’ve been to coin-operated baseball stadiums at highway rest areas, this was my first time at a screen baseball stadium. In recent years, with the new screen baseball stadium boom, various screen baseball stadium companies such as Legend Baseball Zone, Real Baseball Zone, and Strike Zone have emerged. Gwangju, where I live, has the most legend baseball zones.

I expected the price to be expensive, but it is still expensive. It costs 49,000 won for a 9-inning game that lasts about 1 hour. It’s okay if about 4 people come and play baseball for an hour, but the price is a bit high for 2 people. You can hit it with your bare hands, or gloves can be rented (1,000 won).

Because we had a lot of people, we played the game for 9 innings/120 minutes. The three teams take turns batting. The game fee alone is 83,000 won. When I ordered beer, snacks, and other snacks, it ended up costing just over 100,000 won. The price was higher than I expected, but I had no regrets because I had a fun day.

It was nice to be able to have fun even if you didn’t like baseball or weren’t good at it. If you set it to the easiest difficulty and take more than one at-bat, you will most likely get it right. When visiting with coworkers or for group gatherings, it would be better to lower the level of difficulty since some people may not be able to do it.

I thought I had some athletic ability, but it wasn’t easy to match. I kept missing, but getting it right was harder than I thought. However, if you keep playing it, you will definitely get used to it and it will fit you well.

During the game, you must be careful as you swing the bat and hard balls will fly around. The ball coming out of the screen is not that fast, but when it hits the bat, the speed increases.

① You must wear a helmet when standing at bat, and ② You must never open the door and enter when there are people at bat. Getting hit by a ball or a swinging bat can lead to an accident, so I thought I should protect what I want and enjoy it.

Two hours pass quickly as I swing the bat so hard. If you do it for about 2 hours, it can be difficult. An hour to an hour and a half seems appropriate for playing at the screen baseball stadium.

I had to go again with my colleagues, but it was postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus. It’s really unfortunate. Screen Baseball Stadium is recommended for work dinners and various gatherings. The price of the screen baseball stadium is quite expensive, so you should know that before going there.
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스크린 야구장
