소자본 창업 추천 4 small capital start-up items: Make profit with your own content

소자본 창업 추천📌 If you sell digital content through I’m Web,

Today, I will introduce four content startup items that can be started with a small amount of capital, and various examples of actually selling content through I’mWeb. If you want to make money by commercializing your talents, you will be able to get some good ideas.

✅ 4 small capital start-up items

Selling digital files is the most common way to monetize content. You can sell a variety of products such as templates, designs, reports, videos/photos/sound recordings, etc. A big advantage is that once you upload a product, you can automate all subsequent sales processes.
The important thing is to find and commercialize items that fit well with the customer’s needs and my strengths. Think about what problems your know-how can solve for which people. If you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to post your products on various topics and formats and test sales and find items.

💡 Item example

💙 I’mWeb Brand Case

1. Naelna Shop

2. Lana Dolls

3. A grown boy

4. Pincushion

2. E-book (PDF)

E-books are also PDF digital files, but they have the characteristic of being more ‘educational’ than other products. While other digital files are the result of creative work, e-books mainly contain education that shares processes or know-how.
E-books have the advantage of being able to set a relatively high selling price and being able to systematize and organize your knowledge and know-how. This is a good item if you are somewhat familiar with writing and are interested in sharing your knowledge and know-how with others. Even without specialized skills, you can save files such as general documents (Word, etc.) and Notion as PDF and use them as e-books.

💙 I’mWeb Brand Case

1. Foot Foot Letter

2. Record in the Morning

3. Chewing on Japanese

Like e-books, lectures have a strong educational nature and can contain specialized knowledge or know-how. It has the advantage of being able to set the highest selling price among digital products.
Online lectures require video filming and editing, but if you learn a little, editing it yourself is not difficult. If you are more confident in speaking than writing, or if you want to convey high-level knowledge, give it a try.

💙 I’mWeb Brand Case

1. Mission Camp

2. Ana’s Dino

Paid meetings and membership services are content that focuses on bringing together people with specific interests and ‘having experiences together.’ Because we sell the experience itself, not knowledge or skills, branding and trust in the seller play a big role. These days, there are many non-face-to-face meetings, so anyone can try it as long as they have a sharp item. However, it has the disadvantage of being difficult to automate because it requires continuous operating resources.

💙 I’mWeb Brand Case

1. New Ground

2. Weekend

Selling content is an attractive and convenient business item. You can start quickly without any capital, have your own differentiated identity, and if you build it well, you can make consistent profits. If a good idea occurred to you while reading the article, why not start today?

📌 Key Takeaways

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소자본 창업 추천
