소비자보호원 전화번호 Consumer Protection Agency phone number

Online transactions have increased in recent years. For this reason, there are frequent cases of deceiving consumers.

In this case, how should ordinary customers respond? That’s just using the Consumer Protection Agency.

It is recommended that you use the Consumer Protection Agency. You can compensate or report any unreasonable things you have experienced.

소비자보호원 전화번호

Let’s see how we can use it now.

Using the Consumer Protection Agency website

Search for ‘Consumer Protection Agency’ or ‘Korea Consumer Agency’ (link is below)

Korea Consumer Agency 소비자보호원 전화번호

Korea Consumer Agency 좋은뉴스

You can report and report cases related to consumer safety in the process of using products, facilities, and services provided by business operators. View more

As you can see from the image above, the Korea Consumer Agency has a variety of menus.

And it deals with education to avoid many incidents.

Korea Consumer Agency
Also, if you are already in an unfair situation, apply for damage relief and dispute mediation.

Korea Consumer Agency
A secure login is essential to use these sites.


These days, you can simply log in with your smartphone. Be sure to pay attention to security and log in safely.


If you want to look around the Consumer Agency a little more, it is also good to go through SNS.


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Korea Consumer Agency
We operate various channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Korea Consumer Agency official Facebook page

official facebook

Using damage relief or dispute resolution services

Korea Consumer Agency
If you enter the damage relief menu, you can see various cases by item.

Korea Consumer Agency
The image above is when you can see it through the information and communication category.

In addition, there are food, health/medical, residential facilities, household appliances, laundry, automobiles/machinery, etc.

Using the Consumer Consultation Line
The representative number of the Fair Trade Commission Consumer Counseling Center is 1372 without an area code.