선택약정 할인제도 대상조회 및 신청 Inquiry and application for optional contract discount system

You may be looking into the optional contract discount system that saves as much as 25% on communication costs. Let’s take a detailed look at the information applicable to all telecommunication companies (KT, SKT, LG U+) on extension (re-subscription) methods and procedures, cancellation penalties, comparison with publicly announced subsidies, and differences in period benefits. Please apply today to avoid paying 33% more in communication fees.

선택약정 할인제도

선택약정 할인제도


If your contract has ended, we recommend an economical rate plan that allows you to use communication costs at a lower price than this discount. You can use the economical plan at a 50% lower price without much difference from the quality of your current carrier. For further details, please refer to the website below.

▼Recommended budget phone plan that saves 50% on communication costs▼

Recommended comparison of budget phone plans kt sk lg (reviews of useful tips from actual user experience)

You should change your budget phone because it is too cheap, but you are confused because there are so many types of budget phone carriers, right? You can make a decision today, so we will compare them thoroughly so that you can switch to a cheaper plan as soon as possible.


1. What is the optional contract discount system?
2. How to extend (re-enroll)
1) Check your telecommunication company’s text message information
2) Apply to telecommunication company
3) Check application or application reservation text message
3. Penalty upon termination
4. FAQ
1) Public subsidy VS optional contract
2) Penalty when changing rate plan
3) Difference in benefits between 12 months (1 year) and 24 months (2 years) when setting the period
5. Finishing

1. What is the optional contract discount system?


The optional contract discount system is a system in which you promise to use the relevant telecommunication company for 12 or 24 months and receive a 25% discount on your cell phone plan. Instead of receiving a 25% discount on cell phone charges, you must pay a penalty if you change carriers (number porting) during the 1- or 2-year contract period. Therefore, if you plan to use the telecommunication company during the contracted period, it is beneficial to apply unconditionally.


2. How to extend (re-enroll)


Usually, when you purchase a cell phone from a cell phone store for the first time, the optional contract discount system runs for two years. After 2 years, it is not automatically extended; you must choose it yourself.

1) Check your telecommunication company’s text message information
Usually, when the contract expiration date is approaching, the telecommunication company will notify you via text message that you can renew your contract. When you receive a text message, it is time to re-enroll, so if you plan to renew your contract, it is best to apply right away.

2) Apply to telecommunication company


Each carrier has different methods for using mobile apps (apps) and customer centers, so let’s briefly summarize them.

Telecommunications company mobile app (app) customer center (free)
Access KT My KT app – Click “≡ (menu button)” on the top left – My Page – Sign up/Use information – Johee/Change – Re-contract for rate discount – LTE sponsor – Set contract period – Agree to terms and conditions – Sign up ☏ 080-000- 1618
or ☏ 114
▶Go to MyKT on Android◀ ▶Go to MyKT on iPhone (IOS)◀
Access SKT T world app – Click “≡ (menu button)” at the bottom – Benefits/discounts – Optional contract discount system – Sign up – Set contract period – Agree to terms and conditions – Sign up ☏ 080-232-0114
or ☏ 114
▶Go to Android T world◀ ▶Go to iPhone (IOS) T world◀
LG U+ Access your U+ app – Click “≡ (menu button)” on the top right – Benefits – Optional contract discount – Apply – Select number – Check availability – Set contract period – Confirm ☏ 114
▶Go to your U+ on Android◀ ▶Go to your U+ on iPhone (IOS)◀
For PC use, click on each carrier’s website below to be taken directly to the page where you can apply.


Click here to apply for KT optional contract ☞


Click here to apply for SKT optional contract ☞


Click here to apply for LG U+ optional contract ☞


3) Check application or application reservation text message
If you have successfully applied or made a reservation, you will receive a text message from your telecommunication company. It is a good idea to check whether your application was completed within the desired period.


3. Penalty upon termination
Penalty (discount refund) costs are currently the same for all three carriers as shown below. If you use an expensive plan and just change carriers without knowing whether you have signed up, you may be hit with a huge penalty. If you need to cancel quickly due to circumstances, you should first lower your rate plan and reduce the accumulated discount, then look at the penalty calculation method below to calculate and use a method to minimize losses as much as possible.

Contract period Contract period of use Penalty (discount refund)
12 months (1 year) Cumulative discount for 0 to 3 months * 100%
Cumulative discount for less than 4 to 12 months * {Contract remaining period/(Contract period – 90 days)}
24 months (2 years) 0 to 6 months or less Cumulative contract discount amount * 100%
Cumulative discount for less than 7 to 24 months * {Contract remaining period/(Contract period – 180 days)}

Optional contract discount penalty calculator.xlsx


The file above is a penalty calculator file that allows you to easily calculate the penalty. Please use the file to calculate the approximate penalty by entering the rate plan and contract period in numbers in the cell next to the applicable contract period.



4. FAQ
1) Public subsidy VS optional contract
When you first purchase a mobile phone device, you will have to choose between a public subsidy and an optional contract discount. Since both cannot be applied for in duplicate, you must choose one of the two. The public subsidy is provided at a low price for the latest mobile phones, usually around 100,000 to 550,000 won. However, the public subsidy of 550,000 won is very rare, and the latest phones are almost non-existent. Therefore, I think it is very advantageous to use a selective contract discount. However, if the publicly announced subsidy is really high, and you can use a lower rate plan, even with a 25% cost discount for 24 months, and it is lower than the publicly announced subsidy, you should choose the publicly announced subsidy.

To summarize, the optional contract discount is usually advantageous, but since it varies depending on the situation, you need to compare the publicly announced subsidy and the 25% rate plan before deciding. Let’s look at an example of comparison. If you plan to use the 80,000 won monthly plan to purchase the latest phone with an official subsidy of 150,000 won, the contract discount is 20,000 won per month for 24 months, saving a total of 480,000 won. However, if you received the public subsidy without knowing this, you would have lost as much as 330,000 won.



2) Penalty when changing rate plan
Many people may be wondering if they have to pay a penalty if they change their rate plan after applying for the optional contract discount system. If you renew your contract, there are no disadvantages regardless of whether your rate plan is increased or decreased, as long as you remain with the same carrier. You can rest assured that the 25% rate of the plan will remain the same and there will be no other penalties.


3) Difference in benefits between 12 months (1 year) and 24 months (2 years) when setting the period
When choosing a contract period, you can choose between 12 months and 24 months. The 24-month contract may have more benefits, but there is no difference in benefits between 12 and 24 months. This is a 25% discount on the plan for both periods. Therefore, unless you really want to sign up for 24 months, we recommend that you only sign up for one year (12 months) even if it is inconvenient. This is because you may have to pay a really big penalty for canceling your contract after two years because you find it inconvenient to renew your contract every year.



5. Finishing
Today, we looked at the application method, penalty amount, and frequently asked FAQs about the system that can reduce communication costs by 25%. What I think is most important today is that if you are going to continue using the three carriers, it is better to maintain the optional contract without interruption, and when renewing the contract, I recommend that you apply for a one-year term. In addition, as someone who has been saving on communication costs with an optional contract but has now switched to using an economical phone plan, I recommend that you try the economical phone plan as soon as your contract ends. Please check the website below and consider it carefully. thank you