서울시 소상공인 지원금 신청방법 및 지급조건 How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions

Let’s find out how to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions. If you have read this article to the end, I think you will be able to check the details of the small business support fund, application, and payment conditions. If you are curious about the overall contents of the small business subsidy policy and how to apply, please read it until the end.

Support for Small Business Support Employment Subsidies

The Seoul Metropolitan Government will provide 3 million won in employment incentives for each newly hired worker in 2023 to restore the livelihood of small business owners.

Seoul Small Business Support Fund
In order to stably maintain the employment of small business owners and small business workers who are experiencing difficulties due to the prolonged economic recession in Seoul, the Small Business Support Employment Subsidy Project and the Employer Support Project for unpaid leave workers are promoted.

▼Shortcut to Seoul Small Business Support Subsidy Application▼

support for small business
The number of small business owners in the Seoul area is about 1/5 of the national level, but considering the fact that the number of small business owners in the Seoul area is significantly reduced due to economic recession and business closure, we have come up with support measures.


서울시 소상공인 지원금

서울시 소상공인 지원금


Employment subsidy support for small business owners
① Small business proprietorship employment incentive project: 3 million won per new hire
For the Small Business Support Employment Subsidy Project, if a small business owner located in Seoul hires new workers in 2023, he/she can apply for an employment subsidy of up to 3 million won per worker and up to 10 employees per company.

The standard for small businesses applies to cases where the number of full-time workers is less than 10 in manufacturing, construction and transportation, and less than 5 in other areas.

Companies that have maintained employment for more than 3 months after hiring new workers can apply, and if they maintain employment insurance for 3 months after application, they can receive employment incentives.

For example, if a new employee is hired in January 2023, the subsidy is applied in April, and if it is confirmed whether the employment insurance is maintained by June 30, the employment incentive is paid in July.

If you retired before the date of maintaining employment insurance (three months after application), or if the same worker acquires it again within 30 days after losing employment insurance, it will be treated as fraudulent payment and will be returned.

Applications will start on April 3, and can be submitted on-site, by e-mail, mail, or fax at the autonomous district where the company is located (reception desk). Required documents, such as application forms and supporting documents, can be found on the website of Seoul City→News.


② Employment subsidy for small business owners
○ Application period: 2023.4.3. ~ When the budget is exhausted

○ Eligibility: Small businesses in Seoul (registration is required by business owners)

○ Application requirements: 6 months of employment after hiring new employees in 2023 (based on employment insurance)
– Apply after 3 months of employment, and maintain employment insurance for 3 months after application
○ Details of support: KRW 3 million per new employee (up to 10 per company)
○ How to apply: Visit the autonomous district where the company is located, e-mail, mail, fax, etc.
○ Payment Schedule (Based on application in April)
ᅠ· Employment insurance maintenance confirmation: 2023. 6. 30. ~
ᅠ· Employment incentive payment: 2023. 7. ~
ᅠ ᅠ Inspection and refund of fraudulent double collection: 2023. 7. ~
○ Conditions of payment: (based on employment insurance) 3 months of employment from application, total employment of 6 months or more. For example, if you hire a new worker in January 23 and apply for support in April, Seoul City and autonomous districts will pay the support in July after confirming the maintenance of employment insurance until the end of June.
○ Subjects excluded from support
– 1 person self-employed
– Non-profit organization
– Businesses excluded from small business policy fund loans by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
– Retirement of the applicant before the payment of employment incentives (within 3 months after application).
– In the case of recognition and receipt of public institution employment incentives and employment maintenance subsidies within 3 months of application.
– Re-acquisition within 30 days of loss of employment insurance for the applicant worker (new employment is not accepted)
Reference 1. Sectors excluded from support by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups_Sectors subject to policy fund loan exclusion for small business owners.hwpx
Employment maintenance subsidies for workers on unpaid leave

③ Employment maintenance support for workers on unpaid leave: Unpaid leave of 7 days or more per month, up to KRW 1.5 million’

The ’employment maintenance subsidy for unpaid leave workers’ project supports up to 1.5 million won (500,000 won × 3 months) per worker when workers at companies with less than 50 employees in Seoul take unpaid leave for more than 7 days a month. The leave period is July 1, 2022 date to April 30, 2023, and after confirmation of employment insurance maintenance by May 31, 2023, the employment maintenance subsidy is paid in June.


Applications are accepted from April 3rd to April 30th, and business owners and workers on unpaid leave can apply at the autonomous district (reception desk) where the business is located. On-site reception on weekdays is from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and application and reception are received by e-mail on holidays and weekends.


For those who find it difficult to apply in person, we are also planning to promote a ‘visiting reception service’.


☞ Guidelines on support for employment maintenance subsidies for workers on unpaid leave Meanwhile, ‘businesses excluded from small business policy loans by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups’ and non-profit organizations (excluding small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners) are excluded from the support. During the subsidy calculation period, those who have applied for and received subsidies from public institution-like job policy projects (employment incentives, employment maintenance subsidies) are also excluded.


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Information on support for employment maintenance subsidies for workers on unpaid leave

The Seoul Metropolitan Government provides subsidy of 1.5 million won per worker for unpaid leave to prevent unemployment for small businesses and companies with less than 50 employees who are unavoidable to take unpaid leave.


Employment maintenance subsidy for workers on unpaid leave

○ Application period: 2023.4.3. ~ 4.30.
○ Eligibility: Those on unpaid leave from companies with less than 50 employees in Seoul
○ Requirements for application: Those who have maintained employment insurance until May 31, 2023 among workers who took unpaid leave for more than 7 days a month between July 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023
○ Details of support: Up to KRW 1.5 million per person (KRW 500,000 per month/fixed amount × 3 months)
○ How to apply: Visit the autonomous district where the company is located, e-mail, mail, fax, etc.
○ Payment schedule
ᅠ· Employment insurance maintenance confirmation: 2023.5.31.
ᅠ· Employment maintenance support payment: 2023.6.
ᅠ· Inspection and refund of negative double collection: 2023.6. ~

④ Small business support application submission and supporting documents
Let’s find out how to submit an application for small business support and find out the supporting documents. For the required documents, please refer to the issuing website or download and use the files below.

▼The document is attached below where you can download it.▼

Form 1. Small Business Support Employment Subsidy Application.hwpx
Form 2. Consent to business and personal information processing (company, representative, employee).hwpx
Format 3. Power of Attorney.hwpx
Form 4. Confirmation of Main Business Business.hwpx

⑤ Final summary
Small business subsidies Targets: Small business enterprises in Seoul
Details of support: KRW 3 million per person
Application conditions Apply after 3 months of hiring new employees in 2023.