생리주기 빨라짐 Jayun Oriental Medicine Clinic

생리주기 빨라짐expert column

The ideal menstrual cycle is 28 days. When we were in school, it often appeared in test questions.
Although the standard is 28 days, this also varies slightly from person to person, so some people may develop their cycle a little faster and others a little more slowly.
So roughly, we say that a normal cycle is between 26 and 30 days.

Regular menstruation is also a standard for observing women’s health.
Since menstruation is achieved through the proper interaction of hormones, having regular menstruation means that there is no problem with this hormonal system.
Therefore, checking whether menstruation occurs regularly is a standard for women’s health care.

If we experience changes such as overwork, stress, or rapid weight change, it may affect the menstrual cycle and cause the menstrual cycle to become faster or slower.
If the change is temporary due to the above factors, the menstrual cycle can recover on its own through rest and removal of stress factors.
In this case, it may be necessary to control the condition to prevent this problem from occurring again.

However, there are cases where you need to actively treat it instead of neglecting it. Today’s article is about the shortening of the menstrual cycle among abnormal menstrual cycles.

Menstrual cycle becomes faster + amount decreases

A decrease in the amount as the menstrual cycle accelerates is a symptom that appears when ovarian function is weakened.
If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, it can be divided into 14 days before and 14 days after ovulation.
The first 14 days are called the follicular phase and the last 14 days are called the luteal phase.
A decrease in the menstrual cycle means that the follicular phase in the front or the luteal phase in the back decreases, causing a change in the total cycle.

In general, when the menstrual cycle decreases, the follicular phase is shortened in most cases.
The follicular phase is the period during which the egg matures, and if this period is shortened, it may mean that the egg is not maturing smoothly or that the function of the ovary is weakened.

Conversely, there are cases where the luteal phase is shortened, and after the egg is ovulated, the follicle turns into a corpus luteum.
And this corpus luteum secretes progesterone.
This hormone makes the uterine lining stronger and helps maintain implantation.
If the quality of the corpus luteum is poor, the secretion of hormones that can maintain this period is also weak, so the luteal phase is reduced, shortening the entire menstrual cycle.

In some cases, these changes may be normal rather than abnormal.
These changes appear in the mid-40s – a process of weakening reproductive function that naturally leads to menopause,
Or, after the first menstruation begins, the ovarian function is not yet complete.

However, if you see changes in the cycle becoming faster and the amount decreasing in those who are not in this age group, but are in their 40s or before or are planning to become pregnant,
This should be viewed as a stage that requires active treatment.

Menstrual cycle becomes faster + menstrual pain becomes worse or increases in quantity

In these cases, diseases such as endometrial polyps, fibroids (especially subendometrial fibroids that form directly in the endometrium), adenomyosis, and endometriosis should be suspected.
In reality, these diseases may cause direct changes in the menstrual cycle because they cause hormonal imbalance.
By stimulating proliferation of the lining, changes such as increased menstrual flow may be seen.
And even though it is not a normal cycle, the overall bleeding period is increased due to irregular bleeding, so psychologically it seems like the cycle has become shorter.

In this case, it is necessary to first check whether there are any changes in the uterus through a test.

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