사이버수사대 신고방법 How to report to the Cyber Investigation Service Phone number

We will inform you about the phone number of how to report to the cyber police. You can do various activities such as banking, shopping, and studying on the Internet. As various services and trading products come out, fraudulent methods are also developing. There are many crimes such as personal information hacking, cyber fraud, distribution of malicious programs, etc. We will tell you how to deal with cyber crime. 사이버수사대 신고방법

사이버수사대 신고방법

What is cybercrime
If you want to report a cybercrime, you need to know what kind of crime you have been subjected to. There are major violations of information and communications networks and illegal content crimes. Cyber fraud is an act of pretending to provide goods or profits to consumers on the Internet, then taking money from the victim and disappearing. Cases in which the direct victim and the suspect met are excluded from cyber scope.

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How to report to cyber police

A scam that creates a fake shopping mall and takes money and dives is a shopping mall scam. The fraud that occurred about items and characters in Internet games is game fraud. The stealing of information from e-mail addresses and Internet addresses in order to steal personal information is called phishing. In addition, pharming, smishing, and memory hacking are examples of cyber crimes.

How to report to cyber police
Let’s find out how to report to the Cybercrime Police. First, you need to go to the cybercrime reporting system. This is a site where you can file a case first without going to the police station. In the cyber crime reporting system, it is not possible for anyone to report it. Only the person who has been scammed can report it. In the case of family, friends, and agents, you must use the police station or the national newspaper.

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In addition, reporting to the Cyber Investigation Unit can only report criminal acts, hacking, fraud, and illegal sites that have occurred in the cyber world. Matters such as refunds, delivery delays, and disputes cannot be filed here because they are related to civil lawsuits. Click the report button on the first home page. After agreeing to the collection of personal information and verifying your identity with your mobile phone, proceed according to the instructions on the page that appears.

How to report to cyber police

After filing a report on the website, you must visit the police station. Of course, you can visit the police station without reporting it on the website. You need to visit the police department’s complaint office. It is good to take pictures or leave documents as proof of the damage you have suffered and items. If you go directly to the police station, we will guide you in detail, so please follow the instructions to solve the problem.

Cyber Investigation Report Phone Number
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If you find it difficult to file a report on the Internet as mentioned above, you can use the police complaint call center. The phone number for the Police Complaint Call Center is 182. Because we have divided the departments according to the type of case, you will be guided to the corresponding contact information. If your resident registration number is stolen, you will be guided to the Korea Internet Personal Information Infringement Report Center at 118. For fraudulent billing, dial 1335.


Today, we learned about the phone number of how to report to the Cyber Investigation Unit. If you have been harmed, I hope this article helps you a little bit.