사대보험 계산기 Four major insurance meaning calculator four major insurance rates national pension, employment, industrial accident, and health insurance standards

Hello, I’m an economic policy blogger, “A father who jumps.” Today’s topic is four major insurances! 사대보험 계산기

You find yourself surprised when you get paid for a month’s wages after you join the company. It’s because of the deductible amount. You can see that a lot of deductions are made to the extent that you wonder what kind of deductions they make.

You can see that the deductible amount is deducted from the expenses for the four major insurances other than income tax. Let’s check the standard and see how much it takes.


Table of Contents

1. the meaning of four major insurances

2. Four major insurance rates and calculators

3. at the end of the day

1. the meaning of four major insurances

I’m sure many people have heard of the word “four major insurances.”

사대보험 계산기

What is four major insurances

If a worker has income, it means that they are forced to pay according to the rate in preparation for their income. Why make them forced to pay?

The system is actually designed to protect workers.

The national pension for retirement, health insurance to reduce the burden of medical expenses, employment insurance to assist in economic activities after retirement, and industrial accident insurance are the four major insurances supported when injured in the industrial field


Payment standard

In the case of the deduction, the burden rate varies depending on the local subscriber and the workplace subscriber.

If you are a local subscriber who runs a private business, you will be 100% paid by the business owner, and if you are a company subscriber who is hired by the business owner, you will be paid 50% by the business owner.

However, in the case of industrial accidents, it is characterized by 100% of the burden of the business owner.

Let’s take a closer look at the rate information on related matters. If there is another difference, you pay for national, health, and employment insurance every month, but you only have to pay for industrial accidents once a year.

2. Four major insurance rates and calculators

1) How do I calculate the national pension rate and calculation?

the national pension fund

The basic rate of the national pension will be paid 9% based on income.

If you’re a subscriber, you’ll pay 50% with the employer, so you’ll pay 4.5% with the employer and 4.5% with the worker. Of course, if you’re a business owner, you’ll pay 9% because you have to pay 100% on your own.

Let’s take an example?

If my monthly income was 500 million won, I would have to pay 9%, of 450,000 won, or 25,000, which is 50%, but not everything goes up.

Since the national pension has a standard of the upper limit, please note that as of 2024, if the amount exceeds 5.9 million won, the national pension equivalent to 5.9 million won will be paid.

2) How do I calculate the health insurance premium rate and calculation?

medical care

Health insurance is divided into two types: health insurance and long-term care insurance, and the rate of health insurance is 7.09% of earned income. This rate is also 50% paid by the employer, so you pay 3.545% by the worker, 3.545% by the employer

In the case of long-term care insurance premiums, 12.95% will be paid based on health insurance premiums rather than monthly remuneration. This also covers 50% of subscribers and business owners, or 12.95% of 7.09% is long-term care insurance.

For example, if you receive a monthly remuneration of 5 million won, workers will pay 177,250 won, which is 50% of 5 million won X 7.09% = 354,500 won. Long-term care insurance covers 354,500 X 12.95% = about 46,000 won, and if 50% is applied, it will be about 23,000 won.

3) How do I calculate the employment insurance rate and calculation?


The basic rate of employment insurance is 1.8% of the monthly remuneration, which is the same as 50% each, and the share of workers is 0.9%. However, it depends a little bit on the situation of the industry

In the case of job security and vocational competency development projects, there is no rate paid by workers. That means it’s free.

In addition, the employer will pay 0.25% for less than 150 employees in the project, 0.45% for companies with less than 150 to 1,000 employees, 0.65% for companies with less than 150 employees, and 0.85% for companies with more than 1,000 employees.

The preferred target company here refers to companies with 500 or fewer employees in manufacturing and 300 or fewer employees in construction or other companies.

If a typical company introduces a monthly remuneration of 5 million won X 1.8%/2 calculation formula, workers will have to pay about 45.000 won.

4) How do I calculate the industrial accident insurance rate and calculation?

industrial accident

As explained above, 100% of the business owners pay for industrial accident insurance and pay it once a year, but the rate varies depending on the industry. Let’s see how it changes.

business type


business type






the manufacturing industry


fishing industry


the electricity, gas and water supply business




the construction industry


Other businesses


the transportation warehouse communication business


the financial and insurance industries


The highest rates are mining, and the lowest rates are finance and insurance. The reason why rates are so different is that the risks vary depending on the industry, right? When we buy car insurance, we can think of it as similar to the rate falling as the more safety devices there are.

3. at the end of the day

There is no confirmation of the increase in the national pension rate yet, but it is said that the rate may increase soon. Unless a huge amount of revenue is generated from the national pension right now, the depletion will come someday.

exhaustion issue

Even if the fertility rate is raised right away, people in their 30s and 40s will have a lot of worries.

I can’t wait for a solution to come out soon, and I want to be an INFL beyond the influencer acceptance rate, which is as low as the fertility rate!!

This is the end of the posting, “Four major insurance meaning calculators, four major insurance rates, national pension, health insurance, employment insurance, industrial accident insurance.”