불법주차 신고하는 방법(feat.안전신문고) How to report illegal parking (feat. Safety Report)

Today we are going to learn how to report illegal parking. In everyday life, you can often find cars parked indiscriminately. These are vehicles that obstruct traffic or are parked illegally. Unlike in the past, the reporting process for illegal parking is simple, so the reporting rate is increasing significantly.불법주차 신고

불법주차 신고

There are two ways to report illegal parking: by reporting it to a call center or by using the Safety Report app. The Safety Report Center website does not accept reports of illegal parking in the top 5 vehicles, and only reports on automobile and traffic violations can be accepted.

How to report illegal parking

Safety reporting method

If you find an illegally parked vehicle, you can report it through the Safety Report app. Let’s find out how to report it.

Search for and install the Safety Newspaper app

Select according to the situation, such as illegal parking of the top 5 vehicles in the Safety Report application, general reporting, etc.

Select by each type

For general reports, attach 2 photos taken for 5 minutes, and for reports of illegal parking of 5 vehicles, attach 2 photos taken for 1 minute.

Check the shooting date and time of the photo

Select location

Click the submit button

👇 Go to Safety Newspaper (Android)

👇Go to Safety Newspaper (iPhone)

Illegal parking, which causes harm to others and increases the risk of accidents, must absolutely be eradicated. If you find an illegally parked vehicle, please report it using this method.

When reporting as a non-member – can be searched using the report number

If you report as a member – you can check it on the login page

5 cars illegally parked

Illegal parking is not allowed for any reason, but there are some places to be especially careful. Please keep this in mind as it is a section where you must drive with special caution due to the high risk of accidents.

children’s protection zone

Within 5m around a fire hydrant

Within 5m of intersection corner

Within 10m of bus stop


In the above 5 locations, if you take 2 photos at 1 minute intervals or report to a nearby police station, an on-site crackdown will occur and you may be subject to a fine.

Call center report

To report illegal parking, please call 120.

Seoul 02-120 Gyeonggi 031-120 Incheon 032-120

For other areas, you can use the app or file a complaint with the relevant local government.

Things to keep in mind when reporting

We will inform you of a few things you must keep in mind when reporting illegal parking to the Safety Report Center.

Punctuality for photo shoots

Depending on the violation, the time interval varies from 1 to 5 minutes and must be observed. Also, keep in mind that you will need to take photos to show any violations.

Only photos taken through the Safety Newspaper app are accepted.

If you select a violation and take the first photo, you can check it until the next photo is needed, so please use the convenient Safety Report app.

Reporting of illegal parking of 5 vehicles can be done through the Safety Report app.

Reporting is not necessarily subject to fines.

This is an area that needs to be confirmed later, as the result of acceptance or non-acceptance varies depending on the public official in charge after checking the content of the application.


I learned about how to report illegal parking, and it’s not difficult, so you’ll quickly get used to it after doing it a few times. I think we need to report it diligently in order to eradicate illegal parking that causes damage to the surrounding area.

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