버스 분실물 찾기 Find lost items on the bus

Today, we will learn about finding lost items on buses. When riding a bus, you often find yourself leaving your belongings behind. Usually, you find out after getting off, and in such cases, we will introduce you to how to find lost items.

버스 분실물 찾기

버스 분실물 찾기

To find lost items on buses, contact the bus company, the city bus lost and found center, or the National Police Agency’s Lost and Found Management Center. We will explain the methods in detail.

Finding Lost Items on Buses

Integrated Public Transportation Lost and Found Center

You can find lost items on buses at the city bus lost and found center. Most cities operate a lost and found center to manage lost items on city buses. In Seoul, the Seoul City Bus Transportation Association’s Lost and Found Center manages lost items.

The Integrated Public Transportation Lost and Found Center is a place where you can find lost items on buses, village buses, corporate taxis, and individual taxis. You can also register found items and find lost items.

National Police Agency Lost and Found Integrated Management System

You can also find lost items on buses through the National Police Agency Lost and Found Integrated Management System. Images and information on lost items are provided in detail, so you can confirm whether they are yours. The biggest advantage is that you can check not only lost items reported to the Customer Safety Center or the Lost and Found Center, but also lost items brought to the police station.

What to do when you lose something

If you lose something while riding a bus, you must first contact the bus company to report the loss. The bus company can help you find your lost item. You can check the bus company contact information on the bus ticket or the bus company website.

Bus Company Phone Number Email Address Website Gyeonggi-do Bus 1577-8880 info@bus.co.kr www.bus.co.kr Seoul Bus 1577-1212 info@seoulbus.co.kr www.seoulbus.co.kr Busan Bus 1577-1111 info@busanbus.co.kr www.busanbus.co.kr Daegu Bus 1577-2222 info@daegu.co.kr www.daegu.co.kr Gwangju Bus 1577-3333 info@gwangju.co.kr www.gwangju.co.kr

When contacting the bus company, you must provide the following information:

Type of lost item

Color of lost item

Characteristics of lost item

Bus number boarded

Boarding date and time

Boarding route

Contact information

Contact the depot or transportation company

Visit the Seoul Bus Information System website: Go to the website and enter the bus number.

Check the garage phone number and transportation company information: Enter the bus number to check the garage phone number and transportation company information for the bus.

Provide detailed information by calling: Call the garage or transportation company and provide detailed information such as the bus number, boarding time, direction of travel, and type of item. This information will be used to send a message to the bus driver, which will increase the possibility of finding the item.

Check the operating hours before visiting the garage: If you are going to the garage in person, check the operating hours before visiting to avoid wasted time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I find lost items on the bus?

Contact the bus garage or transportation company and provide the bus number and boarding information. You can check the garage phone number on the Seoul Bus Information System website.

How do I use the Seoul Public Transportation Integrated Lost and Found Center?

You can check the list of lost items or register lost items by visiting the Integrated Lost and Found Center website. If you lose your cell phone, use the ‘Find Cell Phone Call Center’ menu.

When is it best to use the National Police Agency’s Integrated Lost and Found Portal?

If you lost something on a bus or subway and it has been more than 7 days, you can find it by searching or reporting it on the National Police Agency’s Lost and Found Integrated Portal.


Today, we learned about finding lost items on the subway. When you use public transportation, there are times when you leave something behind without realizing it, so I hope you find it useful in those cases.

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