배달의민족 고객센터 Baemin Customer Center phone number How to connect to an agent

배달의민족 고객센터Sometimes there is a way to call the store directly when the wrong delivery order arrives, but there are times when you need to call Baemin directly. And even when you call a customer in a store, there are cases where you do it through the customer center.

The phone number for Baemin Customer Center is 1600-9880. When you connect the phone, a message appears asking customers to press 1, and the owner of the store to press 2.
If you press 1 here, you will go directly to the agent connection. I think it’s good to be connected directly to an agent without unnecessary menus.

This is how to check the Baemin Customer Center phone number directly from the Baemin app. Take note.
1. Find the ‘Customer Center’ menu in the MY Baemin menu.

2. Select the ‘Customer Relief Center Consultation’ menu from the Customer Center menu.

3. If you select Customer Relief Center Consultation and scroll all the way down, the Baemin Customer Center phone number appears along with ‘Connect to Customer Relief Center’.
phone number

In this way, you can make a phone call by going to [myBaemin > Customer Center > Customer Relief Center Consultation] in the Baemin app.

The other day, I got a call from the Baemin customer service center because the food was wrong. I was just going to eat it because it was annoying, but the boss let me know first that he wanted to contact me, so I got on the phone with the owner of the store. When using Baemin, this sometimes happens.

If you apply the safety number, it is automatically canceled after delivery is completed, so the store does not seem to know the customer number. It’s best to use delivery without having to call customer service, but there are times when it can’t be helped.
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배달의민족 고객센터
