발달재활서비스 신청방법 Introduction by business > Developmental rehabilitation service | Social service electronic voucher

발달재활서비스 신청방법Providing developmental rehabilitation services such as language/auditory skills, art/music, behavior/play/psychology, sensory/exercise, etc. (Project implementation organizations can develop various services depending on the needs of disabled children and their parents)
Exceeded the next highest level ~
Below 65% of standard median income (Type B)
Standard median income exceeds 65% ~
120% or less (La type)
Above 120% ~ below 180% of standard median income (Type 8)
170,000 won per month
80,000 won
   – However, a voucher will be created for the following month only if the results of target selection are sent from the city/county/district to the Korea Social Security Information Service by 18:00 on the 27th of every month. 
 * Supplementary Provisions Article 2 (Transitional Measures on Qualification Standards for Personnel Providing Developmental Rehabilitation Services) At the time of enforcement of this rule, in accordance with subparagraph 2 of subparagraph 1 of the previous Appendix 1. 
   Persons who meet the qualification standards for personnel providing developmental rehabilitation services are deemed to have met the qualification standards in accordance with the revised provisions of subparagraph 2 (c) of Appendix 1.
   However, within 3 years from the date of enforcement of this rule, a person must meet the qualification standards in accordance with the revised regulations or take a conversion training course determined and announced by the Minister of Health and Welfare.
   Must complete the course.

Voucher service usage status
Voucher service usage details
Check your deductible balance
Check grade change history
Service cancellation history inquiry
Out-of-pocket refund details

발달재활서비스 신청방법
