미소드림적금 Savings (details) < Deposits (details) < Product search & subscription (details) < Products < Hana Bank

미소드림적금Basic 4.00%Maximum 5.00%
A savings account for which a separate subsidy is paid by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency to subscribers when cancellation is made for faithful repayers of microfinance loans and debt adjustment.
Free savings type
A celebration interest rate of 1.0% per annum is provided upon deposit maturity.
※ Please read the financial product description and terms and conditions before concluding a contract regarding a financial product.
※ Financial consumers have the right to receive an explanation of the relevant product or service.
This deposit is protected by the Deposit Insurance Corporation in accordance with the Depositor Protection Act, but the protection limit is “50 million won” per person, including the principal and interest of all financial products subject to deposit protection at this bank, and exceeds 50 million won. The remaining amount is not protected.

