미소금융 창업자금 신청방법 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency

미소금융 창업자금 신청방법POPUP

0 cases

#Worker Sunshine Loan #Sunshine Loan Youth #Sunshine Loan Bank #Sunshine Loan Card

#Sunshine Loan 15 #Small living expenses loan #Special guarantee for those with the lowest credit

#Microfinance #Private business implementation agency #Traditional market microloan

#Youth Leap Account #Youth Hope Savings #Smile Dream Savings

To apply for policy microfinance products, download the Seogeumwon app.

A stepping stone to the recovery of customers who have difficulty accessing even loan services

Policy-based financial products to support young people’s mid- to long-term asset formation

Issuance of certificate, inquiry of unrefunded amount

Korea Inclusive Finance Agency holds ‘2024 Smile Plus Workshop’ with 58 microfinance project implementation organizations


Korea Inclusive Finance Agency, hiring 29 new employees in 2024


[New Employee Discussion] If you want to join Seogeumwon, you must
2023. 10. 5
(Prize Prize) Financial support for you
2023. 10. 4
[Secret Life] Debtor Agent System and
Free support system for litigation attorneys
August 15, 2023
[Seoraksil] Let’s all enjoy it together! Seogeumwon
August 15, 2023

Notice on extension of loan period for small living expenses loan


[Youth Leap Account] Key points of lump sum payment


[New Illegal Private Finance Prevention Series 5] If you buy a used car, you will get a lower interest rate? “Asset theory”


Notice on extension of loan period for small living expenses loan


[Youth Leap Account] Key points of lump sum payment


[New Illegal Private Finance Prevention Series 5] If you buy a used car, you will get a lower interest rate? “Asset theory”


information center
financial education
Custom Loan
Dormant deposit
Korea Inclusive Finance Agency App Download

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Go to the app download screen.

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(04527) 9th~12th floor, 14th floor, 14 Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul (Grand Central)
Main phone number: 1397 (weekdays 09:00 – 18:00)
[Certification Scope] Public service operation (web, mobile) [Validity Period] 2022.02.23. ~ 2025.02.22.

Copyright Since 2016 Korea Inclusive Finance Agency. All Rights Reserved.

[Certification Scope] Public service operation (web, mobile) [Validity Period] 2022.02.23. ~ 2025.02.22.

미소금융 창업자금 신청방법
