모기 잡는 법 How to catch mosquitoes Find hidden mosquitoes easily, kill them and get a good night’s sleep

모기 잡는 법Hello? I’m slurping.

If you turn off the mosquito fire that you can’t see no matter how much you search, you turn on the mosquito fire that reappears again and again.

Search from the first wall and ceiling First of all, mosquitoes are most often attached to walls and ceilings. Take a close look at each stitch. Mostly people are wrong to look for the bright side that they see first. Second, search for dark, deep and warm places. Mosquitoes choose a dark place to hide if there is a bright place or a dark place. I like places. If it’s the same place, I have a habit of sitting or hiding in a place with a relatively high temperature. Third, search near a humid bathroom or sink. Mosquitoes love humid places. They were born in water, so they like water. And you have to search the shady spot around the toilet. Lie down on the floor and look at the bottom of the sink as if you were looking up. If it is attached to the side of clothes or furniture items of a similar color to the mosquito, it is easy to find if it is attached to the front, but it is difficult to see if it is sitting in a corner of a similar color.

First find mosquitoes with a flashlight Turn off the lights and turn on the flashlight Shine the flashlight slowly throughout the room Go around and shine it slowly At this time, if you are lucky, the mosquito shadow may appear large. If you do not find a mosquito sitting with a flashlight, fix the flashlight to a spot on the wall and wait. Mosquitoes are also photosensitive, so when they see a light, they will attack. Hit it and catch it. Third, lure it with light and breathing. If the mosquitoes are not attracted even if you shine a flashlight in one place, put the flashlight on your chest and breathe comfortably. Mosquitoes like lactic acid, which is the smell of human sweat, and carbon dioxide released during breathing, so it is warm and warm. If there is light and CO2 is detected, it will fly towards the flashlight with everything and sit nearby. The same way if you use the flashlight function on your smartphone.

When catching a mosquito, there are a lot of people who catch it like clapping their hands. If you catch it like this, the probability of catching a mosquito is low. Because mosquitoes are very weak in side-to-side motion, but they are good at up-and-down motion. The reason for driving is because the rabbit’s front legs are short, so it can’t speed up when it goes down.

Mosquito repellent made from a plastic bottle and soap Go to the link and learn how to make an effective and safe mosquito repellent without spending a penny.

If you go to the link above the plants that mosquitoes run away on their own, I introduced plants that have a strong mosquito repellent effect just by placing them in the house.

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