맨발 걷기 Why do doctors oppose ‘barefoot walking’? < General health < Health · Disease < Text of article - Health in News

맨발 걷기While barefoot walking is gaining popularity for health, especially among middle-aged and older people, a post by a patient who said he was stopped by a doctor while trying to walk barefoot was posted on an online community, sparking controversy surrounding it.
The author explained that he suffers from high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia and is taking medication for these symptoms. After hearing that walking barefoot helps with these symptoms, he tried to get a tetanus shot to challenge himself. However, when the doctor heard the story, he strongly stopped it. The doctor said that one of the reasons why humans lived longer was the invention of shoes, and advised people to exercise while wearing shoes.
Netizens are divided in their opinions on this post. Some opinions say, ‘It helps if you do it on a soft dirt floor,’ and ‘I actually saw the effect,’ but others defended the doctor’s words, saying, ‘There is no medical evidence,’ and ‘There is a reason why experts are against it.’ .
Is walking barefoot really good for your health? First of all, the advantage of barefoot walking is that it provides excellent exercise. Walking is an aerobic exercise that exercises the muscles of the entire body and is helpful for controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, weight loss, and joint health. In particular, when walking barefoot, the amount of exercise increases because the muscles move more than when walking with shoes on.
In addition, as various stimulations are applied to the nerves of the soles of the feet, benefits such as blood circulation, stress relief, and brain stimulation can be obtained. According to a 2012 paper from the University of California, the group that walked barefoot produced less cortisol, a stress hormone, than the group that did not walk barefoot.
However, domestic experts agree that there is more to lose than gain when it comes to walking barefoot, especially among middle-aged people.
SL Seoul Hospital Director Kim Do-hoon (orthopedic specialist) said, “Generally, the sole of the foot is a structure that transmits the body’s load to the floor and is made up of fat pads to withstand the load. Compared to wild animals, the fat pads of people who wear shoes are It remains soft and squishy. “This fat pad becomes thinner as the fat atrophies with age, so if you walk on hard surfaces without shoes at this time, plantar fasciitis may occur more easily,” he said.
Yonsei Sarang Hospital’s orthopedic department chief Han Jun-woo (foot specialist) also said, “The sole of the shoe shares the burden of body weight, but without it, the burden will inevitably be placed on the sole muscles and joints of related areas,” adding, “This causes plantar fasciitis and interphalangeal neuroma. , foot diseases such as sesamoiditis may occur, and it may also have adverse effects on joints such as ankles, knees, waist, and spine.”
One of the areas of concern among experts is the scarring of the skin on the soles of the feet that can occur while walking barefoot. Director Kim Do-hoon said, “Most germs on outdoor roads come from animal feces, so if they enter the human body, they can cause severe infections.” If you are concerned, “Wear comfortable shoes and take time at your own level.” “Walking while controlling is the healthiest way,” he said.
Manager Jun-Woo Han said, “If you have diabetes, wounds on the soles of your feet can lead to serious complications such as diabetic foot.” He added, “I hope you can get the same benefits as walking barefoot through acupressure or massage on the soles of your feet in a hygienic environment.”

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