똥꿈 해몽 Dream interpretation of poop, a good dream, a bad dream

똥꿈 해몽Poop dream interpretation

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Basically, poop symbolizes good luck, and is especially closely related to wealth. Some things that are not good in reality have the opposite meaning in dreams. For example, dreams about death or bleeding may be somewhat scary and uncomfortable, but they are mostly interpreted as good dreams. The same applies to dreaming about poop, especially if it gets on your body or touches it directly, it is interpreted as a good dream. However, similar to other dreams, dreaming of poop can be either a good dream or a bad dream depending on the situation. Let’s take a closer look at the situation.

Poop dream interpretation

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Poop dream interpretation

Above we have looked at the good and bad dreams related to poop dream interpretation. It may be a bit dirty in reality, but in a dream, touching and asking questions seems like a good dream. It is said that one of the dreams that many people who won the lottery had was having poop smeared all over their bodies. However, even the same poop can be interpreted negatively if it gets on your clothes or face or if you are not in a good mood at the time. Dream interpretation may be easier to understand if you think about it in relation to your own situation.

Poop dream interpretation

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