등록기준지 조회(본적 조회) Registration base inquiry (original address inquiry)

Today we will learn about how to check the registration standard. Searching for the registration base may be necessary in various situations. Although it has now been changed to the registration standard, many people still know it as its original location.

등록기준지 조회

등록기준지 조회

Your domicile may be different from your actual residence or place of birth, and if necessary for documentation, you can obtain a family relationship certificate online or at a community center to confirm. Now, let’s learn how to check the registration standard.

Registration base (registration)

It refers to the basic address or residential area that records important personal changes such as birth, marriage, and death of legally registered family members in Korea. The domicile is different from the resident registration place (resident registration base) and is a unique region listed in the family relationship register.

Your domicile may be used for legal and administrative purposes. For example, when verifying family relationships, verifying identity, and issuing various official documents, passports, driver’s licenses, etc., it is necessary to enter your address.

How to check registration base

There are two ways to check the registration standard: checking the original address of the family register, and checking the family relationship certificate (family relationship register). Since domicile and registration base have the same meaning, you can check your registration base by searching your domicile.

Registration base inquiry (PC)

Access the Supreme Court Electronic Family Relationship Registration System website

Issuance of family relationship certificate

Agree to the terms and conditions of the family relationship register applicant information inquiry

Verify your identity after entering your name, resident registration number, and additional information.

The person to be issued, select the type of certificate: family relationship certificate or general certificate.

Choose a receipt method and apply

Check registration standard (mobile)

You can also search on mobile. After accessing the Korean Court Family Relations System on your mobile phone, select the electronic document wallet as the final receipt method.

Electronic wallet issuance

Installation and implementation of Government 24

Select electronic document wallet

After logging in, select the list at the top left of the main screen.

Select the electronic document wallet icon > Issue

Agree to Terms of Use

Issued after entering application information

Check the address of my electronic document wallet

👇 Go to Government 24 (Android)

👇Go to Government 24 (iPhone)

You can also check your domicile with an unmanned issuance machine. It requires a fee of 500 won and is located in various places such as hospitals and banks.

frequently asked questions

How do I determine the registration standard?

The registration base refers to the place that serves as the standard for the family relationship register, which is determined when registering for the first time due to birth or other reasons. The family relationship registration system implemented on January 1, 2008 abolished domicile, which meant the location of the family in the previous family register system, and introduced a new registration base.
This registration reference point is a different concept from the address on the resident registration or the actual residence, and is used for purposes such as determining the competent court in a family relationship registration non-litigation case, searching the family relationship register, and linking to the previous family register.

In the Australian system, all family members follow their Australian domicile, but in the family relationship registration system, the registration base for family members does not have to be the same, and individuals can change it freely. The place of registration of a person whose birth was reported before January 1, 2008, unless there are special reasons, is the same as the place of registration (domicile) of the father or mother at the time of birth, and after January 1, 2008, the place of registration is determined by the reporter. You can report by setting the place of registration for your father or mother.

If a child was born overseas, can the registration base be an overseas address?

The registration base can only be used for addresses within Korea.

Can the base of registration be the address of the apartment or villa?

In the case of an apartment or villa, the registration base can be determined only by address, excluding the building or number.

The child was born overseas and does not have a resident registration number, and I cannot remember where the registration base was set when registering the birth. How can I obtain a family relationship certificate for my child?

Resident registration number or registration base is a mandatory information that must be entered when searching the family relationship register. In the case of overseas Koreans, many do not have a resident registration number, so if you do not know your registration base, it is difficult to find the family relation register electronically, making it difficult to issue a certificate. .


In this way, we learned how to check the registration standard. It may be unfamiliar because the name has been changed to the registration standard, but its meaning is still fully understood and commonly used. We hope you will use it if you need to check the registration standard.

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