내 보험 확인 Life Insurance Association Find My Insurance – Information

내 보험 확인The Life Insurance Association Headquarters (Chungmuro) does not engage in insurance purchases or unclaimed insurance claims inquiries.
In the Seoul area, please visit the Metropolitan Area Headquarters of the Life Insurance Association (Kimsangok-ro, Jongno-gu) and the General Insurance Association Headquarters (Jongno 1-gil, Jongno-gu).

What is a joint certificate?

Issued by a joint certification authority for the purpose of verifying identity during e-commerce transactions, preventing forgery and falsification of documents, and denial of transaction facts.
As electronic information, it is a kind of seal certificate for cyber transactions. Visit a bank or securities company branch to apply for internet financial transactions, and then
Or you can get it from the website of the securities company.

(View life insurance and non-life insurance subscription details and unclaimed insurance money: real-time provision)
※ Certificate of family relationship and certificate of seal impression (original) issued within the last 3 months must be submitted with all resident registration numbers written on them
life insurance association
※ Jeju Region: Life & Non-life Insurance Association Insurance Business Support Center (2nd floor, Kyobo Life Building, 118 Jeonnong-ro, Jeju-si, 064-759-9938)
General Insurance Association
※ Jeju Region: Life & Non-life Insurance Association Insurance Business Support Center (2nd floor, Kyobo Life Building, 118 Jeonnong-ro, Jeju-si, 064-759-9938)
※ All required documents must be issued within the last 3 months (include all resident numbers)

The headquarters of the Life Insurance Association (Chungmuro) does not conduct insurance subscription inquiries.
In the Seoul area, please visit the Metropolitan Area Headquarters of the Life Insurance Association (Kimsangok-ro, Jongno-gu) and the General Insurance Association Headquarters (Jongno 1-gil, Jongno-gu).

※ Among the results of the financial transaction inquiry service for heirs provided by the Financial Supervisory Service, the details of subscription to life insurance and non-life insurance and unclaimed insurance payments are
You can search through the heir’s identity authentication (joint certificate, i-pin, mobile phone) in ‘View heir visit inquiry results [shortcut]’
(View life insurance and non-life insurance subscription details and unclaimed insurance money: real-time provision)
life insurance association
※ Jeju Region: Life & Non-life Insurance Association Insurance Business Support Center (2nd floor, Kyobo Life Building, 118 Jeonnong-ro, Jeju-si, 064-759-9938)
General Insurance Association
※ Jeju Region: Life & Non-life Insurance Association Insurance Business Support Center (2nd floor, Kyobo Life Building, 118 Jeonnong-ro, Jeju-si, 064-759-9938)
Ranking of application qualifications
※ If the heir is a minor, the person with parental authority is eligible to apply (a person aged 14 or older can apply)
※ If there is no parental authority, a guardian (reporting to the district office) is possible
※ For applicants of the 2nd priority or lower, application is possible when a person with the same or higher qualification dies
Application Qualifications and Required Documents
※ All required documents must have been issued within the last 3 months and must be submitted in original with all resident registration numbers
※ When a guardian visits, proof of the scope of authority of representation (financial transaction inquiry, insurance subscription inquiry, etc.) is required

Please note that the Financial Supervisory Service inquires the financial transaction details of the deceased covering all financial sectors, including insurance, banking, and securities, and informs the heirs.
※ The safe inheritance one-stop service is available within 6 months from the last day of the month in which the date of death belongs.

내 보험 확인
