내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

Today we will learn about how to fill out the proof of contents and how to download the form. There is no set rule on how to write a proof of contents. When dealing with debt or real estate transactions, you may need to send a proof of contents. Let’s take a look at that as well.

내용증명 작성방법

내용증명 작성방법

There is no set format for how to write a proof of contents, and you must write it according to the situation, so please refer to it when writing it. You can send a certificate of contents by visiting the post office or through the post office website.

What is content certification?

Content certification is a system in which the post office certifies ‘what’ content a document was sent ‘when’ and ‘to whom’ it was sent. You can fill out and print the content certification form yourself and then visit the post office in person to send it, but you can also save time and money by easily sending the content certification online.

Reason for sending proof of contents

The reason for sending a content certificate is to prove that the mail was delivered to the recipient with the relevant content. Therefore, when sending a certificate of contents, you must prepare a total of three pieces of mail. The three mail pieces are used as one for the sender, one for the recipient, and one for storage at the post office.

Certified mail has the advantage of accurately conveying your intention to the other party and having it confirmed later. Certified mail is mainly used to urge the other party to fulfill money-related matters. Representative examples of where certified mail can be effective are as follows.

A representative example of where content-certified mail can be effective

When the other party does not repay money on time or does not fulfill the contract

When the previous owner does not register the transfer after signing a real estate sales contract

When the rental deposit is not returned on time

When returning (cancelling a contract) an item after purchasing it through door-to-door sales or online shopping, etc.

When notifying the transfer of claims

When you want to confirm the other party’s intention one last time before filing a lawsuit

How to write a proof of contents

There are basic contents that must be written in how to write a proof of contents.

sender name

sender address

recipient name

recipient address


Contents (incident details and contract-related details)

As for the title of the document, you can use phrases that will make the debtor feel pressured when receiving certification of contents, such as letter of demand or notice. When writing down the content, it is recommended that you write it down in hexadecimal format so that the message can be conveyed clearly.

Matters that must be written in the content field

Cause of incident

Current situation after the incident

Damage-related details (organized and clearly organized by period)

Since disputes may arise in the future and may be used as court evidence, it is recommended that you carefully look into the rights and interests of the sender and any matters not fulfilled by the recipient. Because it is effective as evidence, this document may also affect the outcome of the lawsuit.

How to send proof of contents

There are two ways to send a certificate of contents: by visiting the post office in person or by sending it online.

Post office visit delivery

If you send it directly from the post office, a fee is charged. Fees vary based on the paper size used and the number of documents. If written on both sides, it will be measured twice. If shipped via next-day express, an additional fee of 1,000 won will be charged.

Internet post office shipping

If you are short on time, we recommend sending using the Internet Post Office.

Access the Internet Post Office website

Sign up and log in

Select ‘Mail’ > ‘Certification Service’ > ‘Content Certification’

👇 Download the post office app (Android)

👇Download the post office app (iPhone)

Download the content certification form

I have attached a content certification form below, so you can download and use it according to your situation.

Download certificate of contents (basic)

Download certificate of contents (real estate contract)

Download certificate of content (required clarity)

Download the content certificate (reminder letter)

Download certificate of contents (deposit return)

Content certification precautions

Enter the address and name of the sender and recipient accurately.

The title of the content certificate should be written concisely and clearly.

In the content certificate, the key contents are written concisely according to the six and a half principles.

If there are lies or exaggerations in the certificate of contents, it may be invalid.

A sample content certification is attached below, so if you need it, please download and use it.

Download proof of contents example (claim for unpaid wages and severance pay)


Today, we learned about how to fill out the proof of contents and how to download the form. Certification of contents is an important document that helps prevent or resolve legal disputes. Therefore, please fill out the proof of contents carefully and keep the shipping confirmation after sending.

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