전역자 군번조회 방법(PC,모바일) How to check military service number for discharged person (PC, mobile)

Today, we will learn about how to check the military number of a discharged person. When filling out a career certificate or occasionally, you may need to enter your military number. Until I was in the military, I thought I would never forget something, but there are times when I forget and can’t remember when I need it.



You can check by issuing a copy of your resident registration card, but you can also check it more simply through PC and mobile. Then, I will introduce the method in detail.

How to check military number

You can look up your military number without registering on the Military Manpower Administration website. Please note that you can check your military number, enlistment date, discharge date, etc. after verifying your identity.

Military number inquiry (PC)

Military service complaint application

Mobilization/Reserve Force > Post-discharge civil service information and schedule inquiry

Military discharge date/county number inquiry

Identity verification

Check enlistment date, discharge date, and military number

We operate a military service civil affairs counseling center (1588-9090), so if you have any inconveniences or inquiries during use, please contact the counseling center.

Military registration number inquiry (Government 24)

If you have a public certificate, you can check your military number by obtaining a military registration certificate from the government 24 website. Please note that issuance is also possible from unmanned civil service issuance machines.

Search for medical certificate

Public certificate authentication

Issuance of a military certificate from an unmanned civil service issuance machine is free.

Military registration number inquiry (mobile)

To check your military service number on your mobile phone, you must download the Military Manpower Administration app. You can download it directly through the link below.

My military service information

Military service information integrated inquiry

Search for military service number

👇 Go to Military Manpower Administration (Android)

👇Go to Military Manpower Administration (iPhone)

frequently asked questions

Is there a procedure for reporting reserve force formation after discharge, expiration of service, or discharge?

We do not report discharge, etc.Discharge personnel orders for those whose military service has expired are sent to the Director of the Military Manpower Administration within 7 days from the date of discharge (expiration of service or discharge from call), and the director of the regional military manpower office having jurisdiction over the place of residence organizes the reserve forces in accordance with Articles 3 and 3-2 of the Reserve Forces Act. .

* The formation of reserve forces takes approximately one month from the date of discharge.

How is reserve service leave calculated after discharge?

Just subtract the global year from the current year.

* Example) Persons discharged in 2024: 1st year (2025), 2nd year (2026), 3rd year (2027)…

What is the reserve force formation period?

(Officer) Age until retirement age by rank, (Sick) Until December 31st of the 8th year after discharge.

What happens to the civil defense organization after the reserve forces are released (8th year)?

You can inquire with the civil defense department of the city/county/gu (eup/myeon/dong) that has jurisdiction over your resident registration address.Inquiries related to civil defense training, such as whether you are eligible for civil defense organization, details of civil defense annual leave and training completion, and notices, can be obtained from the civil defense department of the city, county, or district (eup, myeon, or dong) that has jurisdiction over your resident registration address. Civil defense training is a series of processes that cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary for civil defense personnel to protect the lives and property of residents from disasters in the country or community. It is a task under the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, not the Ministry of National Defense (Military Manpower Administration).

How do I change my personal information, such as changing my reservist email address?

You can edit your personal information, such as changing your email address, on your own website (civil complaint) on the Military Manpower Administration website (using a PC).


This is how I learned about how to look up military registration numbers. The Military Manpower Administration’s military number inquiry service is said to have been created to relieve the inconvenience of military dischargers by easily confirming their discharge from institutions such as universities, National Pension Service, and National Health Insurance Corporation. If the inquiry does not work properly, please contact the Military Civil Service Counseling Center (1588-9090).

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