국민카드 결제일별 이용기간 Period of use by Kookmin Card payment date

This time, following the previous Woori Card, we would like to learn about the period of use by Kookmin Card payment date and how to change the payment date.

As I said before, if you choose the payment date well, it will be easier to understand your consumption history, and you will be less burdened with overdue payments.

국민카드 결제일별 이용기간

In the case of Kookmin Card, let’s take a brief look at what contents can be used.

Period of use by Kookmin Card payment date [general payment history] 국민카드 결제일별 이용기간

In the case of Kookmin Card, there is a difference between the period of use for each payment day for general payments, that is, lump sum payment and installment use, and the period of use for each payment day due to the use of financial products. 좋은뉴스

Of course, it can be helpful to use the card more stably by distinguishing it well when using it.

When using the basic payment service, the period of use by Kookmin Card payment date is as follows.

In the case of Kookmin Card, most days can be designated as payment days, except for a few days at the end of the month.

The best way is to check the date that is convenient for you and use it.

Period of use by Kookmin Card payment date [cash service]

The period of use of Kookmin Card Cash Service by payment date is from the payment date of the previous month +1 to the payment date of the previous month.

For example, if January 15th is the payment date, the amount used from November 16th to December 15th is billed on January 15th.

This is because, in the case of Kookmin Card cash service, the limit of cash service occurs because the card payment is reflected on the day of payment.

It is said that if you use it well, you can use it up to twice the maximum limit, but it is better not to use it if possible.

How to change Kookmin Card payment date?

In the case of Kookmin Card, the simplest way to change the payment date is to use the customer center.

You can connect to the Kookmin Card customer center through 1588-1688, and you can make changes according to the instructions or by connecting with a counselor.

However, sometimes it may take a long time to connect to an agent. In this case, there is a way to make changes through PC or mobile.

Change of Kookmin Card payment date [Internet website]

After accessing the Kookmin Card homepage, click My KB > Information Management > Payment Information at the top.

> Go to Kookmin Card homepage

After that, you can change the payment date simply by selecting the card you want to change the payment date and clicking Change payment date.

Change of Kookmin Card payment date [mobile]

After running the Kookmin Card mobile application, select the All menu in the upper right corner to see the same menu as the menu at the top of the homepage.

Go to the same route > My KB > Information Management > Click Payment Information

> Go to Kookmin Card application download

After that, select the card you want to change the payment date on and change it in the same way.

What is the recommended date of payment for Kookmin Card?

First of all, there may be recommended dates such as payday or last day, but the most recommended date is the 14th.

In the case of the 14th, it is easy to understand the amount used in the previous month.

Knowing the amount used in this way makes it easier to know the level of consumption and helps to raise awareness about card use, thereby preventing overspending.


This time, we learned about the period of use by Kookmin Card payment date and how to change the payment date.

I think I have learned almost everything necessary to actually use the Kookmin Card along with the contents so far.

> How to report the loss of Kookmin Card and the customer service phone number?

> What are the pros and cons of Kookmin Card prepayment and immediate payment methods?

> Kookmin Card lump-sum payment conversion [in installments] method and interest fee information