국민연금 환급금 조회 및 신청방법(feat.총정리)How to inquire and apply for refund of national pension (feat. Summary)

I would like to know how to inquire and apply for the national pension refund. The national pension is an important part for everyone because it accounts for a large part of the old-age income. Over the past five years, overpaid pensions have exceeded 1 trillion won, of which 34.9 billion won is still unpaid. Let’s find out how to inquire and apply for a national pension refund that you can’t receive if you don’t know.

How to inquire and apply for refund of national pension
What is the National Pension Refund?
Over the past five years, the amount of overpayment and mispayment of the national pension exceeded 1 trillion won, of which 35 billion won has not yet been received. In fact, my father also checked the national pension a few years ago and received a refund after confirming overpayment.



국민연금 환급금 조회

국민연금 환급금 조회


We will inform you about how to inquire and apply for refunds to the National Pension Division, to those who are curious about the fact that they have been paid incorrectly, and to those who actually want to receive a refund due to overpayment or mistaken payment. The procedure and requirements for refund of the national pension are simple, so you can inquire and apply for it within 5 minutes. You may also get a refund that is more than you think.

As mentioned above, if a refund is not received within a certain period of time, it will disappear due to statute of limitations. Therefore, we recommend that you inquire and apply for a refund within 5 minutes right now. Please invest 5 minutes and get all refunded.

How to inquire and apply for refund of national pension
National pension refund can be inquired directly from the National Health Insurance homepage. After logging in with a public certificate or simple authentication such as Kakao, Naver, Payco, or PASS, click ‘Refund inquiry/application’ on the main screen.


National Health Insurance


If there is a national pension refund, the amount to be refunded along with the details of the refund that can be applied for will appear, and you can apply for the refund right away through the apply button below.


To request a refund, simply enter your personal information and the bank and account number to receive the refund. Then, the unpaid refund will be deposited into your savings account within 3 to 5 business days.


In addition, inquiries on refunds from the national pension can be made through the National Pension Service, the four major insurance information linking centers, the Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Corporation, Financial Impression Agency Fine, Government 24, KFTC account information integrated management service, and social insurance integrated collection portal.


1. National Pension Service https://www.nps.or.kr/jsppage/nps_gate.jsp
2. Four major insurance information linking centers https://www.4insure.or.kr/ins4/ptl/Main.do
3. Labor Welfare Corporation https://www.comwel.or.kr/comwel/main.jsp
4. Fine https://fine.fss.or.kr/fine/main/main.do?menuNo=900000
5. Government24 https://www.gov.kr/portal/main
6. KFTC account information integrated management service https://www.payinfo.or.kr/account.html
7. Social insurance integrated collection portal https://si4n.nhis.or.kr/jpza/JpZaa00101.do



National pension refund inquiry
In addition to applying online, you can also inquire and apply for refunds from the National Pension Service by phone at the National Pension Customer Center or Health Insurance Customer Center. You can also apply by visiting a branch of the National Pension Service or a branch of the National Health Insurance Service.

Refund Payment Date
After receiving the application, the competent branch office determines whether or not to pay the refund for the national pension, and the payment is processed to the registered deposit account.