구글서치콘솔 등록 How to Register Google Search Site Search Console (Google Search Console)

구글서치콘솔 등록The exposure method is to register in the Google search console.
Let’s learn how to register Google Search Console as a Tistory plugin!

Enter Tistory and click the cog wheel in the blog menu in the upper right corner.
Then the page will be converted to the blog management home.

You can find so many plugins. Go through them one by one to find and install plugins that you can install later.
Now look for Google Search Console.

In the picture above, I linked an account, so it is in use as above, but
If it is not connected, you can see it without a mark as shown below.

How many different plugins can you see? Find what you need here.

If you see a screen like the one above, you are doing it right.

Then select your Google account and click Next
Since it is Google, we recommend a gmail account.
It’s easy to make.

You can go to Google Search Console and sign up, but Tistory is easily connected and easy to do. If you click Continue, the following screen will appear.

Your blog has been registered correctly in the Google search console.

Then it shows up as being in use like this:

Then, from now on, my T-story will be exposed in Daum and Google searches.

No, it is correct that it can be managed so that it can be exposed rather than exposed. URLs are registered and exposed through the creation process called indexing. Google is looking at how well it optimizes for smartphones these days.

But to get exposure, content is important and keywords are important. Only then will clicks and more people see my posts.
Naver and Daum Google also seem to have a lot of work to do to be exposed to the top.

thank you!
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