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These are sector-specific policies of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

* In special employment support industries and employment crisis areas, 9/10 of the closure allowance is given to employers who paid suspension allowance (2/3 to 3/4 for large-scale companies).
* In special employment support industries and employment crisis areas, 9/10 of the leave allowance is given to employers who paid leave allowance (2/3 to 3/4 in large-scale companies).
Submission of employment maintenance action plan
Employer → Employment Center
Implementation of employment maintenance measures
business owner
Apply for monthly support
Employer → Employment Center
Payment of support after confirmation of facts
Employment Center → Business Owner
Submission of employment maintenance action plan
Employer → Employment Center
Review committee held
employment center
Approve or disapprove
Employment Center → Business Owner
Implementation of employment maintenance measures
business owner
Apply for a grant
Employer → Employment Center
Payment of support after confirmation of facts
Employment Center → Business Owner
* In the case of unpaid leave, prior approval from the Labor Relations Commission is required, and unpaid leave is subject to suspension within 1 year before the start of the leave period, or more than 20% of the insured have been on leave for more than 3 months.

Copyright(c)Ministry of Employment and Labor. All rights reserved.

