경동택배 접수방법 Kyungdong Courier

경동택배 접수방법How do I send a parcel?
Contact the nearest Gyeongdong Courier office to where you are located, or
If you visit us in person, you can receive and make reservations.
How do I request a pickup?
After contacting the nearest sales office to where you are located,
You can apply for pick-up by adjusting the schedule with the driver.
However, pick-up may not be possible depending on the day’s volume, road conditions, and delivery route.
What are the non-handling items?
Cash, phone cards, household checks, bills, gift certificates, single loft checks, credit cards, cash cards, various contracts,
Certificate of registration right, application form, passport, gun, gun, dynamite, gunpowder bomb, gold, silver, jewelry, type of acid,
Disposable lighters, charged gas cylinders, gasoline, cyanide, animal carcasses, live animals, human carcasses,
Drugs, contraband goods, stolen goods, art and antiques whose price cannot be measured
Due to the nature of the business location, prohibited items may differ.
You can get a quick response by contacting the sales office.
What is the difference between freight and courier?
Courier service is to deliver cargo to the address designated by the customer, and regular cargo is
This means that the customer visits the sales office and picks up the cargo directly by transporting it to the designated sales office.
A fee will be charged upon receiving the shipment.
I want to cancel delivery or change my address. What should I do?
You can cancel by contacting the shipping office that received the original package before shipment (collecting at the business office).
After shipment, re-registration is required with the changed information at the destination office, and additional charges may occur.
I would like to send an item abroad.
Kyungdong Express can ship to China and Vietnam, and for consignment inquiries,
Please contact the Overseas Business Department at 1577-3877.
How do I report my arrival?
Please inform the shipping office in advance before sending the item.
If you have a packing list, invoice, and fee, you can report arrival.
Fees can be informed by contacting the shipping office.

It says delivery completed on the waybill, but I haven’t received the item.
Receipt processing is done at the arrival office. For more details, please contact the delivery office.
You can check if the item has been delivered or not by contacting the CS center.
If I send an item, when will it be delivered?
As a rule, Kyungdong Courier provides next-day delivery service that allows you to receive items the day after they are sent.
*Delivery may be delayed due to natural disasters (typhoon, heavy snow, etc.).
*Delivery may be delayed during the Chuseok and Lunar New Year holidays.
I sent a courier, where can I track the delivery?
If you know the waybill number when tracking the shipment, you can check it more accurately and conveniently.
Use our website (www.kdexp.com) “Delivery Tracking” or
Please contact the customer center (1899-5368) for inquiries.
I entered the waybill number, but it says ‘There is no data with the same waybill number.’
In case of cancellation at the sender’s request,
You can receive a valid waybill number after checking whether the item has been received at the shipping office.
I want to return it, what should I do?
Returns must be requested to the company from which the product was purchased.
It can be received at the business office where the sender originally sent the item.
How long does it take to collect the goods after requesting a return?
We will visit you within 2 days from the date of application.
(However, please note that the visit date may change depending on the circumstances of the visiting office.)
The item has been damaged. What should I do?
Immediately notify the sender (sending customer) of any damage, loss or deterioration of the item,
If you report the accident to the shipping office, we will take care of it.
How should I pack?
We have a wide variety of boxes of all kinds suitable for the shipment you want to send.
Even if you are inconvenient to pack the product to be sent because it is not available, you must do it yourself.
However, we are not responsible for damage to the shipment due to poor packaging.

Kyungdong Logistics Co., Ltd. 227 Manseok-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si (183-1 Songjuk-dong)
of the e-mail address posted on this website
We reject unauthorized collection.
of the e-mail address posted on this website
We reject unauthorized collection.

경동택배 접수방법
