건강보험 환급 The reason why an office worker with assets worth KRW 10 billion received a refund for hospital expenses “because of low income” < Policy < News < Text of article - Young Doctor

건강보험 환급According to data submitted by the National Health Insurance Corporation to People Power Party lawmaker Choi Yeon-sook on the 25th, there were a total of 336 employed subscribers who received medical expense reimbursement in the first income quintile through the out-of-pocket cap system although their assets were over 3 billion won as of 2022, with a maximum of 982 per year. I got my 10,000 won back.
By size of assets, there were 258 people with 3 to 5 billion won, 66 people with 5 to 10 billion won, and 12 people with more than 10 billion won. The highest net worth person was the owner of 22.7 billion won. However, their average monthly health insurance premium was only about 15,000 to 50,000 won.
The out-of-pocket cap system is a system that sets an upper limit on medical expenses for each income bracket and returns the entire amount to the patient if medical expenses spent in one year exceed the upper limit. Income deciles are calculated from 1st to 10th deciles based on health insurance premiums.
Unlike local subscribers, who are subject to health insurance premiums on both income and assets, employee subscribers, who are subject to health insurance premiums only on income, receive a refund if their income is low, no matter how many assets they have.
Rep. Choi said, “It is unfair for those with assets worth 10 billion won or more to be classified as the first income quintile and receive the same benefits as those with the lowest income,” and added, “The out-of-pocket cap system provides differential support for medical expenses according to economic power and provides more support to the vulnerable.” “It is a system that is implemented so that people can receive it, but it is not being operated in accordance with this,” he said.
Representative Choi said, “Last year, the corporation planned a guidance inspection of 6,696 people in order to reveal the expedients related to this, but in reality, only less than 100 people were inspected.” He added, “We should expand the inspection and make improvements to fairly select beneficiaries of the out-of-pocket cap system.” “We need to find ways to preserve the purpose of the system,” he said.

건강보험 환급
